70% of Americans Think Trump Should Be Prosecuted

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According to a new poll released this week, a huge majority of Americans do NOT believe that Donald Trump should be given immunity from his criminal prosecutions, and that even includes a plurality of Republicans. To put that information another way – a majority of Americans believe that Donald Trump should be prosecuted and that the legal system should determine what happens from there. This doesn’t mean they all think he’s guilty, this only means they want to allow the justice system to do its job.


Per the above article; As of March 18, 2024  – Three in five Americans say they think the federal trial on Donald Trump’s 2020 election subversion case should take place before the presidential election in November, levels that have held steady since August 2023, according to a new Politico Magazine/Ipsos poll. The poll also finds that a plurality of Americans believes that Trump, if convicted, should face imprisonment over just probation, a financial penalty, or no penalty whatsoever.

The poll also finds that Americans’ opinions on several of the indictments Trump is facing, including the federal 2020 election subversion case, the sensitive document case, the falsifying business records case, and the Georgia 2020 election subversion case, are highly divided by political identity. That said, the poll finds that over half of Americans believe Trump is guilty in at least one of the four indictments tested, levels that also vary widely across party lines.

Detailed findings

Most Americans say they are familiar with Trump’s various legal troubles.

  • Seven in ten Americans (69%) say they are familiar with the various investigations, indictments, and trials that Trump is facing.
  • Roughly two in three Americans say they understand the details in the legal matters facing Donald Trump, including the federal 2020 election subversion case (64%), the sensitive document case (64%), the falsifying business records case (61%), and the Georgia 2020 election subversion case (61%).
  • Most Americans say they don’t think presidents should be immune from criminal prosecution for alleged crimes that took place while they were in office.
  • A majority of Americans (70%) say they don’t believe U.S. presidents should be immune from criminal prosecution for alleged crimes that occurred while in office. These levels are higher among Democrats (92%) and independents (75%) compared to Republicans (48%).