Illegitimate Supreme Court Upholds Destroying Voting Rights
The Illegitimate, Rigged by Republican Supreme Court Upholds Republican laws designed to undermine & destroy the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Republicans have hijacked the highest court in the land. First, they stole a Supreme Court seat from President Obama. Then, they changed a 70-year old rule to install two of Donald Trump’s far-right justices and confirmed Brett Kavanaugh despite credible allegations that he committed sexual assault and lied under oath.
Now, the politicized Supreme Court is enacting a far-right, partisan agenda that favors corporate interests and Republican Party special interests. Reproductive freedom, civil rights, environmental justice, common sense gun safety laws, and our right to vote are all at risk. And the Court has eroded confidence in our system of government with ethical lapses and lack of transparency.
Supreme Court Justices should be appointed by Presidents who were elected to office by the majority of Americans so their viewpoints reflects the majority. That has NOT been the case due to the Electoral College, which made Republicans Bush & Trump President (who received less votes than their opponent)… and the Senate, which doesn’t represent the majority.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse gives outstanding presentation how Big Business “Dark Money” has been playing a role in the Supreme Court nomination process.
The United States Supreme is a Illegitimate Kangaroo Court because 5 of the Justices were appointed by Illegitimate Presidents NOT supported or elected to office by the majority of Americans.
- The Majority voted for Al Gore in 2000 by over 500,000 votes yet George W. Bush was crammed down the American Majority’s Throats. The election was STOLEN by the Electoral College, PLUS Florida Republicans illegally purged thousands of minorities off voters rolls and vote counting was stopped by the Republican Majority Supreme Court. The installation of George W. Bush caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis due to the misguided and unjustified war with Iraq. Trillions was added to the National Debt due to George W. Bush’s incompetence.
- Bush appointed 2 Justices against the will of the MAJORITY = 2 Supreme Court Seats Stolen
- Republicans STOLE a 3rd Supreme Court Seat from the American Majority by blocking President Obama’s Supreme Court appointment stating “The people should decide” during an election year.
- The Majority voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 by over 2.84 Million votes yet Donald Trump was crammed down the American Majority’s Throats. The election was once again STOLEN by the Electoral College which made the LOSER the “winner”.
- Trump filled Obama’s Supreme Court Seat, plus a 4th Supreme Court Seat against the Will of the Majority
- After Ruth Ginsburg died Republicans proved to be PARTISAN HYPOCRITES by committing to fill her seat weeks before the 2020 election with Conservative Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett who is being appointed SOLELY because she’s expected to rule on issues like Roe V. Wade & “Affordable Healthcare” a certain way
- Appointing & confirming “Justices” because they are expected to rule on issues a particular way is not justice
- The Majority is NOT Conservative and does not support BACKWARD, REPRESSIVE, CONSERVATIVE, 1800’s ideologies and values
- The Senate is RIGGED for Republicans and doesn’t represent the Majority. Half of the US population lives in just nine states yet is only represented by 18 Senators. Democrats led Republicans by more than 12 million votes in Senate races in the 2018 election, yet suffered losses due to our UN-Democratic Rigged-for-Republicans Government
- The Supreme Court is now Rigged for Republicans and doesn’t represent the Majority. It’s become another tool to cram unpopular conservative ideologies down the Majority’s Throats.
- Republicans are behaving like Fascist Authoritarians, who only care about power and cramming what they want down citizens throats, lacking decency, fairness, ethics and integrity.
Former Judge Resigns From the Supreme Court Bar in a Letter to John Roberts
The letter describes why he’s lost faith in the Supreme Court.
Per the above article; “James Dannenberg is a retired Hawaii state judge. He sat on the District Court of the 1st Circuit of the state judiciary for 27 years. Before that, he served as the deputy attorney general of Hawaii. He was also an adjunct professor at the University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law, teaching federal jurisdiction for more than a decade. On Wednesday, Dannenberg tendered a letter of resignation from the Supreme Court Bar to Chief Justice John Roberts. He has been a member of that bar since 1972. Here’s some of his letter;
“Dear Chief Justice Roberts:
I hereby resign my membership in the Supreme Court Bar.
This was not an easy decision. I have been a member of the Supreme Court Bar since 1972, far longer than you have, and appeared before the Court, both in person and on briefs, on several occasions as Deputy and First Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii before being appointed as a Hawaii District Court judge in 1986. I have a high regard for the work of the Federal Judiciary and taught the Federal Courts course at the University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law for a decade in the 1980s and 1990s. This due regard spanned the tenures of Chief Justices Warren, Burger, and Rehnquist before your appointment and confirmation in 2005. I have not always agreed with the Court’s decisions, but until recently I have generally seen them as products of mainstream legal reasoning, whether liberal or conservative. The legal conservatism I have respected– that of, for example, Justice Lewis Powell, Alexander Bickel or Paul Bator– at a minimum enshrined the idea of stare decisis and eschewed the idea of radical change in legal doctrine for political ends.
I can no longer say that with any confidence. You are doing far more— and far worse– than “calling balls and strikes.” You are allowing the Court to become an “errand boy” for an administration that has little respect for the rule of law.
The Court, under your leadership and with your votes, has wantonly flouted established precedent. Your “conservative” majority has cynically undermined basic freedoms by hypocritically weaponizing others. The ideas of free speech and religious liberty have been transmogrified to allow officially sanctioned bigotry and discrimination, as well as to elevate the grossest forms of political bribery beyond the ability of the federal government or states to rationally regulate it. More than a score of decisions during your tenure have overturned established precedents—some more than forty years old– and you voted with the majority in most. There is nothing “conservative” about this trend. This is radical “legal activism” at its worst”.
Brian Fallon: Roberts Court is Facing a Crisis of Legitimacy
WASHINGTON, D.C. March 13, 2020 – On Friday, Demand Justice Executive Director Brian Fallon released the following statement in response to news that a former Hawaii judge has joined a federal district court judge and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in criticizing the Roberts Court’s recent actions: The Roberts Court is facing a crisis of […]
U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman published a paper entitled “The Roberts Court’s Assault on Democracy”
U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman published a paper entitled “The Roberts Court’s Assault on Democracy” in the forthcoming issue of the Harvard Law & Policy Review blowing the whistle on the Roberts Court’s partisan, anti-democratic bias. “The Court’s hard right majority is actively participating in undermining American democracy,” he wrote. “Indeed, the Roberts Court has contributed to insuring that the political system in the United States pays little attention to ordinary Americans and responds only to the wishes of a relatively small number of powerful corporations and individuals.
Both of these judges followed Justice Sotomayor in sounding the alarm on the five Republican justices’ allegiances to the Trump administration. Issuing a scathing dissent to a 5-4 decision permitting the Trump administration to institute a wealth test for immigrants, she wrote, “perhaps most troublingly, the Court’s recent behavior on stay applications has benefited one litigant over all others.
Experts and Friends Say Kavanaugh Lied Under Oath | Law & Crime
Legal experts, pundits and former peers of Brett Kavanaugh believe the Supreme Court nominee lied under oath during his re-hearing on Thursday.
Experts agree that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath numerous times, so he can be be removed from the bench and could face prison time.
Did Russia Affect the 2016 Election? It’s Now Undeniable
In the wake of the Mueller indictment of a Russian troll farm, any attempt to claim that the 2016 election wasn’t affected by Russian meddling is laughable.
Trump is also a Illegitimate President because it has been established that Russia hacked, interfered with and likely influenced the outcome of the 2016 Election.
Five (5) Republican appointed Supreme Court Judges are Illegitimate because the Presidents who put them in office (Republicans Bush & Trump) were not supported or voted for by the Majority of Americans.
Justices of the Supreme Court should be allowed to serve for a maximum of 12 years. NO ONE should be guaranteed a job for life. Anyone appointed should non-political and not affiliated with any political party.
We need a Supreme Court that can be trusted to be fair, nonpolitical, and ethical. We need to reform the Supreme Court.