DeSantis Hostile Takeover of Liberal New College of Florida

Radical Right Wing Republican Ron DeSantis Hostile takeover of liberal New College of Florida is similar to Right Wing Fascist Autocrats playbook around the world, turning Florida into a Anti-Democratic Fascist Christian Nationalist State.
Historian Calls Ron DeSantis the ‘Florida Fascist’
DeSantis push to transform university drives out students, faculty
Less than a year after Ron DeSantis appointed a new board of trustees to remake New College of Florida in the image of DeSantis’ ‘war on woke’ political stunt, nearly 40 faculty members have left the small school, along with many students, who the board is trying to replace with lower standards and athletic scholarships.
Florida New College students refuse to be manipulated by Desantis’ ‘buzzwords’, politicized agenda
Alex Wagner talks with students at Florida’s New College, who remain steadfast in the face of harsh criticism from Governor Ron DeSantis, refusing to be manipulated by the blizzard of buzzwords and political showmanship from DeSantis.
‘Trumpy’ commencement speaker rejected by New College grads celebrating own ceremony
Alex Wagner reports on the unofficial commencement ceremony the New College of Florida class of 2023 held for themselves with civil rights lawyer Maya Wiley as guest speaker, and shares some of the less-than-welcoming reception at the official commencement of Trump Covid advisor Scott Atlas, the speaker booked by the DeSantis-stacked school board.
Embattled Florida parents to America: You’re next if DeSantis wins!
Alex Wagner looks at the agenda Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has laid out for his state and his disingenuous pushback on criticism of his cultural crusade as parents of students at New College of Florida caution the rest of America that if DeSantis succeeds in making an example of their school, Republicans everywhere will try to follow suit.
DeSantis & Florida Republicans are following the Playbook of Fascist Autocrat Dictator of Hungary Viktor Orban by taking control of Education
Right Wingers around the world are systematically destroying Democracy, implementing One Party Rule with rigged elections, taking over the News Media, Judiciary and Education, similar to what DeSantis and Republicans are doing in Florida.
Thom Hartmann explains how Victor Orbán and his Radical Right-Wing Party took over the once Democratic government in Hungary and turned it into a anti-democratic authoritarian fascist one-party-rule dictatorship where elections & the courts are rigged, all of the media is state controlled and praise for Victor Orbán Propaganda is seen everywhere. Republicans are following the same playbook so it could happen here unless they are STOPPED.
Opinion | DeSantis Allies Plot the Hostile Takeover of a Liberal College (Published 2023)
Chris Rufo’s “long march through the institutions” starts in Florida.
DeSantis Allies Hostile Takeover of a Liberal College
Per the article above: “New College of Florida has a reputation for being the most progressive public college in the state. On Friday, (DeSantis) announced six new appointments to New College’s 13-member board of trustees, including Chris Rufo, who orchestrated the right’s attack on critical race theory, and Matthew Spalding, a professor and dean at Hillsdale College, a conservative Christian school in Michigan with close ties to Donald Trump. (A seventh member will soon be appointed by Florida’s Board of Governors, which is full of DeSantis allies.)”
“The fight over the future of New College is about more than just the fate of this small school in Sarasota. For DeSantis, it’s part of a broader quest to crush any hint of progressivism in public education, a quest he’d likely take national if he ever became president. For Rufo, a reconstructed New College would serve as a model for conservatives to copy all over the country. “If we can take this high-risk, high-reward gambit and turn it into a victory, we’re going to see conservative state legislators starting to reconquer public institutions all over the United States,” he said. Should he prevail, it will set the stage for an even broader assault on the academic freedom of every instructor whose worldview is at odds with the Republican Party“.
Nothing says white-male privilege like the outrageous salary of New College president | Opinion
Florida voters wrote Republicans a blank check to remake the state’s education system – and grifter politicians are profiting from the deal, says Fabiola Santiago.
Per the above article: Nothing says white-male privilege like the outrageous salary of New College president Richard Corcoran
“Despite dropping out of the state’s top-ranked school, the University of Florida, Corcoran has held all of these high-profile political jobs: Pasco County legislator. Florida House Speaker. Education commissioner during Gov. Ron DeSantis’ first term. As a result of the culture-war circus Corcoran helped DeSantis stage — most recently, giving the once-reputable liberal-arts New College of Florida in Sarasota a conservative makeover — the influential politician has been appointed its interim president”.
“Nothing screams “white-male privilege” more blatantly than Corcoran’s outrageous paycheck. It’s more than twice that of his better-qualified predecessor, Patricia Okker, fired in the GOP’s hunt for liberals”.
“His salary: $699,000 to lead a small school of less than 700 students. And if he accomplishes the goals established for the troubled Honors College school, he’ll get a bonus of up to 15% of his annual salary. Plus, he’ll earn another $104,850 a year in retirement compensation. He’ll get $84,000 a year for housing and a $12,000 car allowance. Again, the perks are more than double what Okker’s were. And he’ll make more than $1 million if he still holds the job by the time his contract ends on Sept. 1, 2024”.
“Not bad for a Canadian brought to Florida at age 11 and who, according to his biography, went to religious schools you never heard of: Catholic liberal-arts Saint Leo College in Florida and Christian Regent University in Virginia, founded by Pat Robertson in 1977”.
Anti-Democratic Fascist REPUBLICANS are passing Laws banning books, limiting what Teachers can Teach and what can be discussed in classrooms with huge fines of up to $10,000 for violations. Republicans want BIG GOVERNMENT controlling every aspect of people’s lives.
Florida REPUBLICAN Governor Ron DeSantis wants to put cameras in classrooms. This short video shows how oppressive and unbearable life could become unless Republicans are STOPPED by VOTING THEM OUT.
Teachers Pull Books To Avoid Felony Prosecution From DeSantis Law
Teachers are being told to withhold ALL of their classroom library books until they can be individually reviewed for certification in the wake of a new law, House Bill 1467, which can result in a third-degree felony if violated.
Conservative Group Pushes To Shift Public Schools To Christian Nationalist Principles
Kathryn Joyce, investigative reporter at Salon, talks with Alex Wagner about the role of Hillsdale College at the center of the conservative effort to make education a political battlefield with initiatives like the “Stop Woke Act” in Florida to align civic and history curricula with right-wing Christian perspectives. Aug 20, 2022
Republicans admitting they want a dictatorship and want to eliminate Democracy
In the U.S., a rising right-wing Christian Nationalist movement rejects the traditional separation of church and state. Many of these Radical Right Wingers see the 2022 midterm election as a war of good versus evil, and their opponents as literal incarnations of satanic or demonic forces.
Ron DeSantis ‘Anointed By God’ Political Ad Proves he’s obsessed with Christian Nationalist Beliefs and obtaining Absolute Power
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten reacts to former REPUBLICAN Secretary of State Mike Pompeo labeling her as the the world’s ‘most dangerous person’.
Radical Right Wing REPUBLICAN Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Installs Regressive Education Board Members determined to Suppress and Re-Write History
New Florida Teacher Training Aims To Indoctrinate Educators With Conservative Ideology
Encouraged by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, Christian nationalist values and an “originalist” interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is now being taught in Florida Schools
- Dystopian Laws Attacking Freedom of Speech to SILENCE & SUE Critics
- Culture Wars and “Woke” BULLSHIT
- Anti-choice Laws against Women’s Rights
- Laws limiting what can be discussed in classrooms, such as the “Don’t say Gay” law. These laws doesn’t fix any existing problems, they’re a “Solution in Search of a Problem” and unnecessary BIG Government regulations & restrictions which makes teachers jobs more difficult.
- Law mandating public colleges and universities survey students and faculty about their Political Beliefs (FL HB 233)
- Teachers must withhold classroom library books until they can be individually reviewed for certification or face being charged with a third-degree felony if violated. (Bill 1467)
- DeSantis Hostile Takeover of Liberal New College of Florida is following the playbook of Fascist Autocrat Dictator of Hungary Viktor Orban by taking control of Education
- Indoctrinate Educators with Radical Right Wing Ideology. (Per news reports) Encouraged by DeSantis, Christian nationalist values and an “originalist” interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is now being taught in Florida Schools.
- Florida HB 999 Republican plan to restrict the way history is taught at Florida’s colleges and universities is being condemned by academics & historians across the U.S. (Another example of Fascist, Authoritarian policies).
- DeSantis has publicly called for putting cameras and microphones into classrooms to monitor teachers. He wants more surveillance in every part of our lives, empowering legislators to police classrooms, doctor’s offices, the workplace.
- Voting Police to intimidate people so they’re afraid to vote in Florida
- Florida Employees Threatened With Demotions If They Criticize DeSantis
- Bill to eliminate the Democrat Party in the State of Florida, thereby creating One Party Rule similar to how Dictator Victor Orbán took over the once Democratic government in Hungary
- Florida ‘Bloggers Bill’ which would require anyone who writes about Florida Republicans and DeSantis to register with the state and put on an ‘enemies list’. This is another BLATANT violation of the 1st Amendment and attempt to SILENCE critics. This is the same Anti-Democratic, Fascist Authoritarian tactic used by the Nazi German Propaganda Ministry in 1933 called the “Editors Law” and in 2014 by War Criminal Dictator Vladimir Putin, forcing bloggers in Russia to register with the Russian Media office.
- Attacking Freedom of Speech – Bill HB 991 to significantly weaken libel laws. Critics believe this is an attempt to give Ron DeSantis even more power to sue his critics for saying things he doesn’t like. Bill 991 also gives Florida residents the right to sue others (both in the state or elsewhere in the U.S.) who describe their actions online as transphobic or homophobic, for $35,000 and would not allow the truth to be used in defenses against such lawsuits.
- Retaliated against Disney for exercising their First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech, stripping Disney of 50+ years self-governing authority after Disney stated opposition to the ‘Don’t say Gay’ law which limits discussing LGBTQ issues in schools.
- Right Wing figures installed on the board of former Disney district. This is the same tactics used in Anti-Democratic Fascists Dictatorships
- Retaliated against the Tampa Bay Rays for exercising their First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech by blocking state money to their training facility after team tweeted against gun violence
- Florida Police raided the home of former Covid-19 Scientist Rebekah Jones after her data contradicted DeSantis’ Covid Data claims.
- Transgender athlete discrimination Laws
- Florida Senate Bill 254 would allow the state to take Trans children receiving gender-affirming care away from Parents
- Anti-Protesting Laws making protesting a felony & allowing protestors can be run over & killed with no consequences. This law was passed to silence and intimidate anyone who dare protest and raise objections to Republican’s oppression (similar to Russia and North Korea)
- DeSantis wants his own State Militia which would only answer to him and “not be encumbered to the federal government.”
- Felons Victimized by Republicans and DeSantis “Voter Fraud Crackdown”. Per an article at, “Most who were arrested were approved by the Florida Department of Elections, which sent their voter registration cards ahead of the 2020 elections. All were charged with third-degree felony voter fraud, a crime punishable by as many as five years behind bars and up to a $5,000 fine. The ACLU of Florida stated, “The arrests are a grotesque abuse of power by Gov. DeSantis”.
- Using Migrants as Props. Per an article at, “DeSantis should be prosecuted for his treatment of immigrants. Those conspiring with him appear to have acted criminally under Texas law. Title 5, section 20 of the Texas penal code defines the crime of unlawful restraint. Under the statute, a person is restrained if their movement is restricted without their consent by, among other means, moving the person from one place to another. Restraint is without consent “if it is accompanied … by deception”. Under the statute, the violation is a class A misdemeanor, unless the person restrained is younger than 17, in which case it is a felony. According to reporting, there were children among those criminally transported to Martha’s Vineyard”.
- DeSantis fought for and was given the authority to redraw Congressional districts to rig elections in Republican’s favor. This resulted in House Seats being stolen from Democrats. Another example of how Republicans know they can’t win elections unless they CHEAT because their policies are UNPOPULAR.
Embattled Florida parents to America: You’re next if DeSantis wins!
Alex Wagner looks at the agenda Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has laid out for his state and his disingenuous pushback on criticism of his cultural crusade as parents of students at New College of Florida caution the rest of America that if DeSantis succeeds in making an example of their school, Republicans everywhere will try to follow suit.
Florida Teachers Afraid, Confused As REPUBLICAN DeSantis Politicizes Curriculum
Alex Wagner travels to Florida to talk with Don Falls, a teacher who has joined a lawsuit against Ron DeSantis’ “Stop Woke Act” that has put teachers in fear of being punish for teaching factual history, and Jennifer Jenkins, a school board member who has personally experienced the threats and intimidation by Republican activists using culture war excuses as cover for a political power grab.
New Florida teacher training downplays role of slavery in U.S. history
Alex Wagner looks at how Florida teachers are being trained to teach the history of slavery in the United States. Jelani Cobb, dean of the Columbia Journalism School, joins to talk about Florida’s emphasis on descent-based slavery as a way of minimizing the slave trade.
REPUBLICAN DeSantis Imposes Extreme Culture War Framing On Nuanced U.S. Civics
Jelani Cobb, dean of the Columbia Journalism School, talks with Alex Wagner about the political utility for Ron DeSantis of bringing polarizing culture war themes to the discussion of complicated American history and civics.
REPUBLICAN DeSantis culture war on U.S. history threatens to backfire on Florida higher education
Jelani Cobb, dean of the Columbia Journalism School, talks with Alex Wagner about how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts to erase Black history in the United States by intimidating librarians, teachers, school boards and universities risks pushing Florida and its Southern associations back into the past and undercutting the ability of Southern schools to draw competent, reputable faculty.
Professor slams DeSantis for quashing Black history education
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is trying to control the type of education that Florida students can receive, most recently rejecting an advanced placement course in African-American studies, claiming it was “contrary to Florida law” and “significantly lacking educational value.” The law he is referring to seems to be the “Stop Woke Act” that basically gives him the power to downplay the true racial history of America. This has impacted many educators, but there are some in the state who refuse to back down. Dr. Marvin Dunn, one of the preeminent historians in Florida, is saying “Bring it on.”
Schools Are Fighting Back Hard Against REPUBLICAN Attacks
Republicans have spent the past few years attacking public education – and teachers, especially – as part of their ongoing assault on the LGBTQ+ community. And school districts have finally had enough, and they are working tirelessly to fight back against the onslaught of attacks, lies, and conspiracy theories that Republicans are spreading about our school systems
REPUBLICANS in Oklahoma are taking the suppression of education to a whole new level, with new legislation that would allow teachers to be fined $10,000 for teaching anything that goes against Christian beliefs, which would include basic biology lessons. It would also be illegal for teachers to raise money from outside sources to pay the fines, and they would also likely be fired for offenses – and each individual student’s families could sue for $10,000. This is not just obscene, it is an attack on public education and teachers.
REPUBLICAN State Bills To Limit What Teachers Can Say
Republicans across the country have introduced 137 pieces of legislation at the state level trying to limit what teachers are legally allowed to teach their students. Discussions about race, gender, and sexual orientation are being outlawed in areas where Republicans have the numbers to pass the legislation. This is going to set our education system back generations, and experts believe it will soon lead to a mass exodus of teachers all over America.
REPUBLICANS Wants to Regulate What You Can Say in Classrooms
Teacher reacts to Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ policy
Cory Bernaert, an openly gay kindergarten teacher in Florida, reacts to what critics call Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which goes into effect today.
Florida REPUBLICAN Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Colleges To Survey Student, Faculty Beliefs
‘Whitewashing History’: Tennessee GOP Wants To Ban Lessons On Systemic Racism
“This fight against teaching America’s racist past has now been integrated into the broader REPUBLICAN cancel culture, wokeness, moral panic being stoked,” says Chris Hayes on GOP state reps trying to ban critical race theory in schools across the U.S.
Tennessee REPUBLICANS Draft Bill To ARREST Teachers For Teaching
Republicans in Tennessee have taken the assault on teachers to another level by backing legislation that would make it a criminal offense for teachers to teach “ban books.” The books would designated by the state (Republicans) and any teacher that is caught teaching them would be hit with a misdemeanor charge for first offense, which also carries a penalty of up to $50,000. The attack on education is getting extreme, and not enough people are paying attention, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins points out.
Florida is BANNING MATH BOOKS & Blaming it on Critical Race Theory!
Jesse talks about the latest insanity coming out of Florida, where they are banning DOZENS and DOZENS of math textbooks because “they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT.” Except for the fact that in their own press release, they don’t give a single example.
Texas Students Push Back On School Book Ban:‘Stop The Censorship’
“These Texas students organized a backlash to the backlash, reasserting their right for open inquiry and critical thinking in their education.”
REPUBLICANS Pushing Bill To Ban Teaching History Of Slavery
As the GOP seeks to suppress classroom lessons about racism and slavery, parts of academia are aligning with their right-wing rhetoric. The University of North Carolina now drawing backlash after denying Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones a tenured position.
Jesse talks about an egregious bill being proposed in Oklahoma which seeks to fine teachers $10,000 for teaching things that go against religious texts, such as evolution, the big bang theory, LGBTQ issues, and others.
Tucker Carlson Explicitly Calls For Violence Against Teachers
Fox News has ramped up their violent rhetoric against teachers, and host Tucker Carlson became the first on the network to specifically call for violence against teachers. Carlson asked openly why children’s fathers weren’t going in and “thrashing” the teachers that he claims are imposing sexuality on students – a claim echoed by many Republicans without any evidence whatsoever.
Party Lawmakers Banning Books To Ease ‘White Discomfort’
REPUBLICAN lawmakers in 22 states have unveiled bills to limit teachings about race and sexuality in public schools. Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye” and Art Spiegelman’s “Maus” have now joined the list of works banned by local school boards for so-called “objectionable” content.
REPUBLICANS War With Books And ‘Critical Race Theory’ In Schools
Former assistant U.S. attorney Maya Wiley and democratic strategist Basil Smikle on Republican efforts to ban books and limit what teachers can teach about racism and sexism.
Per Wikipedia, the definition of Fascism is; “a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce. Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party”.
Republicans fit all of the Characteristics of Fascism described below
Fourteen Characteristics of Fascism – Article by Dr. Lawrence Britt
1. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
2. Identification of Enemies / Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause – The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
3. Supremacy of the Military – Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
4. Rampant Sexism – The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
5. Controlled Mass Media – Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
6. Obsession with National Security – Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
7. Religion and Government are Intertwined – Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.
8. Corporate Power is Protected – The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
9. Labor Power is Suppressed – Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
10. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts – Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
11. Obsession with Crime and Punishment – Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
12. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
13. Manipulate & Control elections – Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate & control elections.
14. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
Radical Right Wing, Trump Supporting Republicans can be easily spotted in Pick-up Trucks with flags (similar to Islamic Terrorist in pick-up trucks with flags).
Republican ARE America’s TALIBAN
Lawless Radical Right-Wing MAGA Trump supporters smash into another car during a crazed attack attempting to run Biden campaign bus off the road. Note the FLAGS on Truck similar to those of ISIS Islamic Terrorists.
Here’s a few of the behaviors and ideologies Republicans, The Taliban and Islamic ISIS Terrorist have in common;
- Bullies
- Religious extremists (such as Christian Evangelists)
- Extremists who resort to Violence to get their way (January 6, 2021 riots to overturn legitimate election which their leader, Trump lost)
- Right-wing Anti-democratic Fascist (most Republicans condone eliminating a free press and democracy)
- Suppress Women’s Rights (anti-abortion laws)
- Extreme Patriotism with tons of flags
POLL: Only 36% Of Republicans Support Freedom Of The Press
43% of Republicans think President Trump “should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior,” while only 36% disagreed with the statement, according to an Ipsos poll
Trump Supporters Are Excited By The Idea Of Him Being A Dictator
Donald Trump did exactly what most of us expected, and he actually convinced his base that he SHOULD be a dictator if he gets back into office, and that it is somehow a good thing to trample on the Constitution. Ever since Trump first made his dictator comments, his supporters have been quick to defend and ultimately offer their praise of the comments, and that part isn’t dying down, either. A new poll also shows that a strong number of Iowa voters say that his rhetoric makes it MORE likely that they will support him.
Right’s Embrace of Authoritarianism
Expert Compares Trump’s Politics to Fascism
Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley explains why he claims President Donald Trump’s politics are akin to fascism, a political movement based around a leader. 80+% of Republicans approve of Trump, even after he has LIED more than any other Politician in history (fact checkers claim over 30,000 false or misleading statements since becoming president).
Fiona Hill Discusses how Democracy in the United States is Under Assault
This video gives insight into the oppressive laws Republicans has been passing in recent years such as anti-voting laws to rig elections in their favor, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT laws and how Russia shares many of the same anti-democratic ideals and values held by Republicans.
Republican Party of Oppression