Mike Pence’s Record
Mike Pence LIED numerous times at the VP Debate. This proves he can’t be trusted and is unfit to serve in Public Office
Mike Pence is Anti-Women’s Rights / Anti-Choice
Pence has instituted some of the most restrictive reproductive rights laws in the country.
Mike Pence Refused to Pardon a Wrongfully Convicted Man “out of respect for the judicial process”
Mike Pence has a Long History Attacking Social Security & Medicare
Here’s a quote from National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare, President/CEO Max Richtman, about Trump picking Pence as his VP…
“By choosing Governor Mike Pence as his running mate, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has sent a very clear message to America’s seniors that their priorities will hold little weight in a Trump administration. During his decade-plus tenure in the U.S. Congress, Mike Pence consistently voted in favor of legislative efforts to cut benefits in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He has a long history of blaming earned benefit programs for America’s economic woes and supporting middle-class benefit cuts to protect tax cuts for the wealthy. Few members of Congress have an anti-seniors voting record as consistently strong as Mike Pence.
Mike Pence was one of Congress’ biggest proponents of privatization. He supports cutting Social Security benefits by raising the retirement age, reducing the COLA, means-testing and turning Medicare into “CouponCare.” As he told CNN, ‘I’m an all of the above guy. I think we need to look at everything that’s on the menu,’ and the record shows he has done just that by supporting every form of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefit cut proposed in the past decade.
The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare scored Mike Pence at 0% on issues important to seniors during the 2011-2012 Congress since he voted for multiple pieces of legislation that would cut benefits and programs that protect senior’s health and financial security.”
Pence Signed Legislation Enacting Harsh Sentencing For Drug Offenses Opposed By Indiana Legal Groups.
Pence, A Supposed Criminal Justice Reform Candidate, Has Actually Passed Numerous Measures That Support Mass Incarceration.
Pence Signed Tax Cuts For Corporations, High-Income Individuals That Failed In Other Red States.
Pence Signed Law Capping Indiana Minimum Wage, Employee Benefits.
Pence Defended State’s Union-Busting “Right-To-Work” Laws
Pence’s Indiana Education Record Has Focused On Boosting Privatization
Pence Has Numerous Connections To A Right-Wing-Funded Indiana School Choice PAC And National Education Privatization Groups.
Pence Is A Climate Science Denier
Pence Has Repeatedly Tried To Block The EPA’s Landmark Climate Change Plan
The Journal Gazette: “Pence Defies EPA, Pleasing Donors.” The Journal Gazette of Fort Wayne, IN, reported that in opposing the EPA Clean Power Plan, Pence was “standing with big political donors,” including utilities and coal companies that have contributed almost $2 million to his campaign and the foundation that “funds economic development travel for Pence”
Pence Helped Kill Indiana’s Successful Energy Efficiency Program
Pence Received A Low 4 Percent Lifetime Score On LCV’s Environmental Scorecard
The NRA Praised Pence For Adopting Its Radical Agenda
Pence Is A Long-Time Obamacare Opponent
Pence Signed Indiana’s Notorious Anti-LGBT “Religious Freedom” Bill Into Law
Pence Was Surrounded By Anti-LGBT Extremists When He Signed The Bill Into Law.
Pence Has A Long History Of Anti-LGBT Activism
Pence Signed a Anti-Choice Bill That Would Place Multiple New Restrictions On Abortion
Was a Republican Congressman and Self-Described “Rush Limbaugh On Decaf” Conservative Radio Host
Mike Pence Signed a Law Legalizing Discrimination Against Gay / LGBT People.
To be clear, under the law Mike Pence signed, a business could refuse service to anyone who they THINK looks gay on the basis of being against the business owner’s religion.
Imagine being denied service because someone thinks you LOOK gay and legally being denied recourse against the person / business which did you wrong. That’s the type of country we would live in if Republicans get their way…. a country were discrimination is legal and no recourse against businesses and individuals who engage in discrimination.
Here’s a list of False Statements made by Mike Pence which include the statement “Hillary Clinton took 13 hours to send help to Americans under fire during the terrorist attack in Benghazi”, which is a LIE – http://politifact.com/personalities/mike-pence/statements/byruling/false/
Republicans has SHAMELESSLY exploited the deaths of 4 Americans for their own political gain.
The numerous Benghazi investigations by Repubs (which cost taxpayers over 4 million dollars) has been motivated by Politics, Hate for President Obama and to “Get” Hillary Clinton.
60 Americans Died at embassies and consulates around the world under George W. Bush, versus 4 deaths under the watch of Obama / Clinton. There was no outrage and endless investigation by Republicans into the 60 Deaths under Republican George W. Bush. No one called for Bush to be prosecuted or executed.
CLEARLY, President Obama had a much better track record of less deaths at embassies (4 versus 60) than Republicans and George W. Bush.
22 Million emails of George W. Bush were lost / deleted. There was no outrage and endless investigation by Republicans into the deletion of 22 Million emails of George W. Bush. Many other high level Republicans has used private email servers such as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.
This is a prime example of what hypocrites Republicans are, making a BIG DEAL out of the 4 deaths which occurred during Obama’s Presidency while saying and doing nothing about the 60 deaths which occurred when BUSH was President and making a BIG DEAL out of Hillary using a private email server and emails lost when Republicans did the same and much worst.
This is a continuation of Republican’s irrational, pathological hate which Republican Politicians use to fire up their base so their uninformed constituents will continue voting for them so they keep their jobs and continue to do nothing for the American people.
Trump and Republicans are in no position to criticize anyone. If anyone is “crooked”, it’s Donald Trump.
Lawsuits has been filed against Trump in connection with the now defunct Trump University.
It has been reported that Trump has screwed his own contractors out of millions of dollars they were owned and much more.
Here’s a list of false statements as reported by PolitiFact – http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/
Donald Trump told NRA members that “Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the 2nd amendment”. That statement is a LIE and was clearly made to score points with NRA members and the Republican base who hates Hillary Clinton.
Making false statements such at this proves that he can’t be trusted and that he has no credibility.
Trump has flip flopped on many issues. This video shows him praising Hillary Clinton. He was once friendly to the Clinton’s, now he says their criminals.
Chris Cristy was the first major politician to support Trump and has been friends with Cristy for many years. Trump betrayed Cristy by selecting Pence as his running mate.
This shows that his words and loyalty to people mean nothing, and he will do and say what ever it takes to get elected.
Republican politicians are in no position to criticize Hillary Clinton either.
As an example of how LAWLESS Republicans are, Republican Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush and his administration subverted democracy by rigging the 2000 election by illegally and wrongfully purging thousands of black voters off the voter rolls. This gave his brother, George W. Bush a winning lead of only 537 votes.
If it weren’t for Jeb Bush’s illegal voter purge, Al Gore would have decisively won Florida and the 2000 election.
No charges were ever brought against Jeb and his administration even though the Civil Rights Commission recommended that he and members of his administration be prosecuted – http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/ch9.htm
That rigged election ended up costing the lives of thousands of people because of George W. Bush’s disastrous Iraq war, which wouldn’t have happened if Al Gore were President. It also caused a conservative majority in the Supreme Court due to Bush’s appointments. Full details at http://republicanreports.org/2000-election-rigged-2/
The 2004 election was rigged by Republicans in Ohio through a combination of the Ohio Election Computers being rerouted to computers in Tennessee and the votes flipped, ballot destruction and disenfranchisement of minorities. Extensive investigations produced shocking proof yet no charges were ever brought against anyone involved. Full details at http://republicanreports.org/2004-election-stolen/
Republicans even RIGGED their own convention in 2012 as show in this video.
This shocking video shows how the Republican establishment didn’t listen to members of their own party at the 2012 Republican Convention and didn’t allow them to vote on an important rule change. The rule change was already decided by the Republican establishment and written into a teleprompter script read by Speaker of the House, John Boehner.
On January 20, 2009, the day of President Obama’s Inauguration, Republican Leaders in Congress violated their Oath of Office by plotting to obstruct President Obama on everything to make his presidency a failure, with no regard to how it would negatively affect the American people.
They voted Against Jobs Bills, Blocked Bills to our Help Veterans, Blocked Ending Tax Beaks for Companies sending Jobs Overseas, Blocked Extending Unemployment Assistance, Blocked Medical Help for 9/11 1st Responders and much more
Republicans say they are for less government but when it comes to Women’s Rights, they want the government to tell them what they can do with their own bodies. They have passed laws against women’s rights and want to completely make abortions illegal even in cases of incest or rape.
If you are one of those who hate President Obama and Hillary Clinton, you have allowed yourself to be brain washed by the Republican Establishment. To them, it’s all about maintaining power and control over the masses.
A rigged election which caused the death of Thousands of American troops and over 100,000 Iraqis is of far greater consequence than any so called “crimes” committed by Hillary Clinton.
Hillary and Democrats will make sure American’s Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Women’s Rights and democracy is protected.
Republican’s want to take away Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Women’s Rights, Legalize Discrimination and much more.
Here’s a list of some of the lawless, undemocratic, rotten things Republicans has done since the 2000 election. Proof of everything on this list is on this website. These are only a few examples of how Republicans have no regard for Democracy or the will of the American people. To them, the end justifies the means as it did when they rigged the 2000 election and 2004 election for George W Bush.
Republicans have shown that they condone out right lying, character assassinations, cheating, lawless, UN-American, undemocratic conduct as long as it benefits them so they stay in power.
Today’s Republicans are a DISGRACE and have defiled the GOP Party of Lincoln.