Republicans Responsible for Government Shutdowns

Government Shutdowns are in Republican’s DNA and they’ve been using the threat of “Shutting Down the Government” to get their way since Bill Clinton was President



Republicans prove they only care about politics by increasing the debt three (3) times under Trump but demand cuts under President Biden


When a Republican is President and they have the House and Senate, they give Tax Breaks to the RICH and spend like crazy. This is what happened when Trump was elected in 2016. The result was a debt increase of almost 8 Trillion Dollars.


GOP demolished with debt facts: Trump and Bush drove the trillion dollar deficits

After Trump’s historic spending spree, the GOP now calling for cuts under Biden. MSNBC’S Ari Melber shows you how Trump is responsible for 25% of U.S. debt, rising by $7 trillion and explains how the party of Reagan became the party of MAGA brinksmanship.


Republicans are Debt Ceiling Hypocrites who spend more & raise the debt when a REPUBLICAN is President, then demand cuts in spending when a Democrat is President. If they don’t get their way, they respond by threatening to “Shut Down the Government”.


When a REPUBLICAN is President they explode the debt, then demand cuts in spending when a Democrat is President.



National Debt exploded under REPUBLICANS Ronald Reagan & George H.W. Bush due to excessive military spending and tax breaks for the RICH.

This was all part of the “Two Santa Clauses” plan whereby they run up the debt & cut taxes when a Republican is President so they are viewed as a good “Santa Clause”. Then when a Democrat is President, Republicans scream about the National Debt, refuse to increase the debt ceiling, shut down the government if necessary to stop Democrats from spending any money on social programs which could help working Americans. Be sure to watch the SHOCKING video below about this.


REPUBLICANS increase the National Debt with excessive military spending and tax breaks to the RICH so there’s no money for Social Programs which benefit the middle class & the poor


The above video explains how for the past 40 years since Ronald Reagan was President, Republicans have been victimizing Americans using a tactic called the “Two Santa Clauses”, whereby they run up the debt & cut taxes when a Republican is President so they are viewed as the good “Santa Clause”. Then when a Democrat is President, Republicans scream about the National Debt, refuse to increase the debt ceiling, shut down the government if necessary to stop Democrats from spending any money on social programs which could help working Americans.

In this way, Republicans are literately punishing Americans for voting for Democrats who are dedicated to helping the middle class and the poor while doing everything possible to make sure Democrats can’t help the middle class and the poor, to make them look like the “Bad Santa Clause”.

This is another example of how Republicans are RUTHLESS… ONLY caring about seizing, maintaining power, being subservient to Corporate Interests and the RICH.


Republicans are demanding stricter work requirements in the debt ceiling fight, which also include GOP demands for cuts targeting the poor. “You’re taking people off of SNAP, off of food stamps, and Medicaid,” MSNBC’s Ali Velhi tells Joy Reid. “What kind of country is looking to have fewer people have enough.”


When Republicans achieved a small majority in 2022 and took control of the House of Representatives, one of the first things they did was demand cuts in spending and threatened to shut down the government if they didn’t get their way.




Trump Tax Cuts Add WAY More Debt Than Advertised

“Experts” low-balled the amount of debt the Republican tax plan would entail.


Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich explains the longtime Republican plan to slash Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


Republicans vote to De-fund the IRS


Inventor Of Trickle Down Economics Says Trump’s Tax Plan Is “Dead on Arrival”

David Stockman, the economist who developed the theory of trickle down economics during the Reagan administration, says that Trump’s tax plan is a giveaway to the wealthy elite and that it will result in an economic downturn. Stockman has admitted that his theory of trickle down economics is implausible, and he regrets the damage that his policy has caused this country.


The above video explains how George W. Bush took Democrat’s and Bill Clinton’s budget surplus and exploded the debt by almost 10 Trillion, doing what Republicans always do…. giving Tax Breaks to the Rich (as shown in the graphs below) and then tanked the economy.


Government Shutdowns…Brought To You By Citizens United

The first government shutdown in 17 years might never have happened if the Supreme Court didn’t open up the floodgates of corporate money with its 2010 Citizens United decision. (In The Balance” by Prolific Arts Music)


The Truth About Citizens United

We take a much-needed, closer look at one of the most notorious Supreme Court decisions of all time.


Sen. Whitehouse Delivers Closing Remarks on Citizens United and Dark-Money Corruption

Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) delivers closing remarks in a Senate Finance Subcommittee on Taxation & IRS Oversight hearing entitled, “Laws and Enforcement Governing the Political Activities of Tax-Exempt Entities.” The hearing examined the ways in which special interests exploit weak and outdated IRS regulations to funnel massive amounts of unaccountable dark money into our elections through 501(c)(4) organizations.


Super PACs lead to political inequality (Hardball)
It’s been four years since the Citizen’s United decision, and the effects of that ruling have not gone unnoticed. Josh Green and Chris CIllizza join Hardball to talk about unlimited political spending and the inequality it’s created among candidates.


Mark Meadows drafted a letter which was signed by 80 Republicans demanding Speaker of the House John Boehner to de-fund Obamacare or shut down the government unless President Obama agreed to eliminate Obamacare.


This video shows Republicans trying to blame President Obama for the shutdown when Republicans and John Boehner were responsible


Republican Congressman Peter King Admits Republican are responsible for shutting down the Government


This video exposes how Republicans conspired to “just say no” to everything President Obama proposed.

. shutdown5

House Republicans Changed The Rules So A Majority Vote Couldn’t Stop The Government Shutdown – .


144-republicans-voted to-default


Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks about the shutdown and why government matters


104 Republicans Who Are In Congress Today Voted To Increase The Debt Ceiling Under Bush Without Hostage Threats

Per the above article; “House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and 84 other House Republicans who are still serving in Congress today voted for the bill (10 of whom are now Senators).

In the Senate, 50 Republicans — 17 of whom are still serving today — voted for the identical bill. Among them was Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who explained the bill was “necessary to preserve the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.” He observed that “without an increase in the debt limit, our Government will face a choice between breaking the law by exceeding the statutory debt limit, or breaking faith with the public by defaulting on our debt. Neither choice is acceptable.”

In total, Congressional Republican leaders backed five separate debt ceiling increases during Bush’s eight years in the White House”.  Read complete article here…
