Videos Show People Saying They Regret Voting for Trump

Man who attended 45 rallies now opposes Trump

Some loyal supporters of President Donald Trump now find themselves at odds with the President over their support for Obamacare


Trump voter: I stopped believing Trump six months ago


US: Small farmers regret voting for Trump

Small farms are increasingly disappearing from the American landscape. With big farms growing bigger, small farms are increasingly going out of business, often because they cannot compete. The number of small farms has fallen from six million in 1935 to two million now. In the US presidential election, many voters in the farm belt turned to Donald Trump, who picked a farm-state governor, Mike Pence, as his running mate. But, now, many say they regret that choice.


Trump Supporters Admit They Were “Stupid” & “Tricked By The Devil” As They Face Financial Ruin

Many Trump supporters in the Midwest are starting to realize how stupid their decision to vote for Donald really was. And those are the words that THEY are using. They admit to feeling “stupid” and that they were “tricked by the devil” into voting for Trump now that his policies against seasonal guest workers and his trade war with China threaten to destroy local communities and small business owners.


Lifelong Republican voter says he will “Vote for a tuna sandwich” over Trump



Registered Republican: Disappointed With Donald Trump and Disheartened By His Republican Enablers


Former Trump supporter delivers an emotional plea to Republicans to vote for Biden

“He is very slowly chipping away at our democracy one little piece at a time.”


95-year-old WW2 Veteran Has Some Harsh Words for Donald Trump