Federal Investigations Linked to Trump

Trump linked to 17 known investigations… here’s the list;

  1. Special Counsel: The Russian Government’s Election Attack
  2. Special Counsel: WikiLeaks
  3. Special Counsel: Middle Eastern influence
  4. Special Counsel: Paul Manafort
  5. Special Counsel: Trump Tower Moscow
  6. Special Counsel: Contacts with Russia
  7. Special Counsel: Obstructing Justice
  8. Southern District of New York: The Trump Organization’s finances
  9. U.S. Attorney for the SDNY: Funding for the inauguration
  10. U.S. Attorney for the SDNY: Where did the money for Trump SuperPAC Rebuilding America Now come from?
  11. U.S. Attorney for the SDNY: Foreign lobbying
  12. U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia: Russian agent Maria Butina
  13. U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia: Internet Research Agency chief accountant Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova
  14. U.S. Attorney for the EDV: Turkish influence
  15. New York and other attorney generals: New York Attorney General’s look into Trump’s taxes
  16. New York and other attorney generals: The Trump Foundation
  17. New York and other attorney generals: Maryland and D.C. Attorneys General subpoenaed Trump Organization records



Which Russians Are Allegedly Connected To President Donald Trump?


Was Russia and the Trump Campaign involved in a Quid Pro Quo?


Court Filings Show Donald Trump As Key Figure In Federal Investigations


Obstructing Justice

After taking office, Trump asked FBI Director James Comey to abandon the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election—which the FBI had already connected to Michael Flynn.
When Comey refused to alter course, Trump fired him.

Trump then admitted the firing was over “the Russia thing” in a televised interview. In a tweet months later, he stated that he “had to fire Michael Flynn because he lied to the FBI”— further affirming that he dismissed James Comey in an attempt to quash the FBI’s investigation.

Bottom line: Trump has repeatedly attempted to interfere in the Russia investigation, and admitted as much—that’s a clear case of obstructing justice.


Violating the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution

The Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause prohibits the president from accepting personal benefits from any foreign government or official.

Trump has retained his ownership interests in his family business while he is in office. Thus, every time a foreign official stays at a Trump hotel, or a foreign government approves a new Trump Organization project, or grants a trademark, Trump is in violation of the Constitution.


Advocating Violence and Undermining Equal Protection Under the Law

When Trump gave cover to the neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville and murdered a protester, he violated his obligation to protect the citizenry against domestic violence.
When Trump encouraged police officers to rough up people they have under arrest, he violated his obligation to oversee faithful execution of the laws.

When Trump shared anti-Muslim content on Twitter, he violated his obligation to uphold equal protection of the laws.
This represents a pattern of disregard for some of the president’s basic responsibilities as defined by the Constitution.

Bottom line: Trump has demonstrated a pattern of behavior amounting to advocating violence, undercutting equal protection, and, as a result, failing basic Constitutional duties.


George Wallace: Donald Trump’s predecessor in attacking the media


Abusing the Pardon Power

President Trump’s decision to pardon Joe Arpaio amounted to an abuse of the pardon power that revealed his indifference to individual rights and equal protections.

Joe Arpaio was convicted for contempt of court after ignoring a court order that he stop detaining and searching people based on the color of their skin, which constitutes a violation of their rights.
Pardoning this conviction goes against the Fifth Amendment, which allows the judiciary to issue and enforce injunctions against government officials who flout individual rights.

Bottom line: Trump’s pardon of Joe Arpaio violates the Fifth Amendment and harms the guarantee of Constitutional rights.

Engaging in Conduct that Grossly Endangers the Peace and Security of the United States

High-ranking administration officials involved in foreign affairs have signaled that Trump does not have the capacity to make informed decisions in the event of a military crisis.
Even worse, his actions could spark a needless confrontation stemming from misunderstanding or miscalculation.
We see this in full effect every time Trump tweets or makes a public statement taunting and threatening the North Korean regime.

The president may be the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,” but that does not give him the right to behave in reckless or wanton ways that put millions of lives at risk.

If he is unfit to perform his duties as Commander in Chief, he cannot be allowed to remain in the position.



Cruelly and Unconstitutionally Imprisoning Children and their Families

Enforcing its new “zero tolerance” policy, the Trump administration separated as many as 3,000 immigrant children from their parents at the southern border. This policy was meant to deter families from attempting to cross the border.

The children and their families have been held in internment camps and cages with what lawyers call “inhumane conditions”
Due to negligence, the Trump administration has no plan to reunite all children with their families, even deporting some parents while their children remain detained.