Outrageous, Offensive Comments made by Trump

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Access Hollywood tape exposed Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing them by the P***Y.


In this video, Trump engages in the most Disgusting, UN-Presidential conduct ever seen by a President of the United States by impersonating Peter Strzok having intimate relations with Lisa Page at a rally in front of supporters and children.


Title from Youtube: Trump implies Democrat’s dead husband is ‘looking up’ from hell

Description from Youtube: Trump attacked Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and her late husband, Rep. John Dingell, during a rally on Wednesday, implying the former congressman was “looking up” from hell


Title from Youtube: Trump Makes Crude, Petty, Personal Attacks on Biden at Rally

Description from Youtube: ‘He was only a good vice president because he knew how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass.’ — President Trump took his attacks on Joe Biden to new heights during this Trump rally in Minnesota.


Lawrence O’Donnell dissects the “Jekyll and Hyde presidency” in what President Donald Trump said Wednesday after his unscripted ranting at a Phoenix rally


Two Minutes of Trump Trashing Women