Hundreds Of Ex-George W. Bush Staffers Endorse Biden

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Kristopher Purcell, a member of 43 Alumni for Biden, explains why hundreds of Republican ex-staffers under George W. Bush are coming together to endorse Joe Biden and says, “Donald Trump is a threat to our nation.”


Fact check: Trump makes at least 19 false or misleading claims in wild anti-Biden monologue | CNN Politics

President Donald Trump has long been fond of turning supposedly official events into de facto campaign rallies. Even by his own standards, though, his Tuesday speech was extreme.

Fact check: Trump makes at least 19 false or misleading claims in wild anti-Biden monologue

Speaking in the White House Rose Garden, at what was billed as a “press conference” in which he would give remarks about China, Trump delivered a rambling 52-minute monologue filled with pre-scripted attacks on Democratic opponent Joe Biden.