Republicans War on Democracy & Freedom of Speech

Republicans have declared War on Democracy & Freedom of Speech passing Dystopian Laws to SILENCE & SUE Critics, Anti-Protesting Laws making protesting a felony & allowing protestors to be run over & killed with no consequences, to silence / intimidate anyone from protesting against Republican’s oppression, Laws limiting what can be discussed in classrooms (such as ‘Don’t say Gay’ Law), Book Banning’s & 3rd Degree Felony offenses for Teachers who display unapproved books, Voting Police to intimidate people so they’re afraid to vote in Florida, Anti-Choice Laws against Women’s Rights, Transgender athlete discrimination Laws, Florida Senate Bill 254 would allow the state to take away Trans children from their Parents, receiving gender-affirming care, Law Surveying University Students and Faculty about their Political Beliefs
Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial nominee Tim Michels saying he’d ensure “Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor” PROVE Republicans are Anti-Democratic Fascist who are determined to SEIZE and maintain POWER by any means necessary.
Republicans Not Willing To Risk 2024 Outcome With A Fair Election
Rachel Maddow shares passages from new reporting by Barton Gellman in The Atlantic in which he lays out the ways in which Donald Trump and his supporters have infiltrated the election apparatus in the United States to ensure a Trump victory, and primed Trump’s base for violence to take victory by force.
Why Republicans Don’t Want A Democracy
Robert Reich on why Republicans are the Greatest Threat to American Democracy
Similar to Russia and North Korea, Republicans Anti-Protest Laws Violates Freedom of Speech
Similar to how Russia & North Korea stifles Freedom of Speech, Republicans are doing the same in the United States by passing more than 80 Anti-Protest Bills in 34 States they control.
The Dark Reason The Rich Hate Democracy Revealed
If working people were a bit more desperate about their economic situations, the wealthy believe, they’d be less likely to organize, protest, or even vote.
Republicans admitting they want a dictatorship and want to eliminate Democracy
The Republican MAGA mandate has been about democracy denying, undermining our elections and institutions, sowing division and chaos.
You’re Not Voting For Republicans, You’re Voting For Autocracy.
Ohio Republicans try to change state rules to keep abortion off ballots
Ahead of any potential ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion rights in the Ohio constitution, Republicans are trying to raise the passage threshold for constitutional amendments—which has been in place for over 100 years—from a simple majority to 60%. This proves Republicans don’t give a DAMN about the “Will of the People” and Democracy. They are the party of FASCISM and OPPRESSION using BIG GOVERNMENT to force their oppressive, unpopular policies down people’s throats. This is why Terrorists, Murder and Fascist dictator of Russia helped Trump get elected in 20216. Because Russia’s Anti-Democratic oppressive regime aligns well with Republicans.
Republicans laws making it harder to vote is part of their War on Democracy
Republicans know the only way they can win, is if you lose.
Republicans Push To Give Trump Allies Power Over Elections
More than a dozen Republican state legislatures have passed new restrictive voting laws that would give allies of former President Donald Trump more power over election results.
BOMBSHELL: Secret audio exposes Republican plan to steal 2024 election
Republicans Organizing To Disrupt Elections With Poll Watchers, Poll Workers
Jocelyn Benson, Michigan secretary of state, talks about how election officials are maintaining election transparency and ensuring elections are properly staffed, while guarding against nefarious actors like those reportedly being recruited by Republicans to disrupt the integrity of elections in Democratic voting districts.
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains why Pennsylvania’s Democratic candidate for governor, Josh Shapiro, has the job of saving work done in Pennsylvania 235 years ago by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention who created the government that some Republicans are trying to destroy.
The Electoral College Is A Plague On America
After Pennsylvania’s Republican voters gave State Senator Doug Mastriano their party’s nomination for Governor, the Washington Post’s Editorial Board said Mastriano represents a unique threat to American democracy. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell shares his thoughts on Mastriano’s nomination and explains how the electoral college enables our elections to be stolen.
Kurt Bardella who used to be a Republican and media consultant for Right Wing Breitbart News is now sounding the alarm about Republican extremism stating; “Democracy is dying at the hands of the GOP”.
DeSantis who pretends to celebrate free speech and business, used the power of the government to PUNISH Tampa Bay Rays after they spoke out in support of gun safety.
Furious that Disney spoke out against Florida Republicans anti-freedom of speech “Don’t say Gay” law, Florida’s Fascist Governor Ron Desantis signed legislation to Punish Disney for exercising their “Freedom of Speech”.
Republicans are destroying democracy by passing over 90 laws to make protesting a felony offense and immunity to motorist who runs over & kills protestors.
Florida Republicans pass Anti-Democratic Authoritarian “Rioting Bill” to quash Freedom of Speech.
New Anti-Protest Laws Sweeping The US: Fines, Felonies & Freedom of Speech
This is another example of how Republicans are Anti-Democratic Authoritarian Fascist who are imposing harsh prison sentences to deter freedom of speech, protesting & decent, similar to dictatorships like China, North Korea and Russia.
‘Backsliding’ Of American Democracy With ‘Existential Threat’ Of Vigilante Justice
For the first time, think tank labeled the United States as a “backsliding democracy.” Meanwhile, many on the right attempt to celebrate Kyle Rittenhouse.