Trump & RNC Scammed Donors Out of Millions

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Shocking report by the New York Times involving a scam run by the Republican National Committee and Donald Trump to defraud campaign donors of over $122,000,000.00


Trump 2020 Exposed For Defrauding Own Fans, Echoing Trump U. Debacle

Trump is under fire for conning over $100 million dollars from his most loyal supporters. The New York Times has released a new bombshell report busting his re-election campaign for a scheme mixing some of Trump’s oldest con artist tricks with his desperation during the election when he was clearly trailing Biden in the money race. MSNBC’s Ari Melber explains Trump’s latest grift and discusses the significance of this deception with journalists Max Boot and Joan Walsh


How The Trump Campaign Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations: NYT

NYT reporter Shane Goldmacher discusses how the Trump campaign last September set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election and how contributors had to dig through fine print to manually uncheck a box to opt out.