Citizens United Delivers Government for the Rich

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Government Shutdowns…Brought To You By Citizens United

The first government shutdown in 17 years might never have happened if the Supreme Court didn’t open up the floodgates of corporate money with its 2010 Citizens United decision. (In The Balance” by Prolific Arts Music)


The Truth About Citizens United

We take a much-needed, closer look at one of the most notorious Supreme Court decisions of all time.


Sen. Whitehouse Delivers Closing Remarks on Citizens United and Dark-Money Corruption

Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) delivers closing remarks in a Senate Finance Subcommittee on Taxation & IRS Oversight hearing entitled, “Laws and Enforcement Governing the Political Activities of Tax-Exempt Entities.” The hearing examined the ways in which special interests exploit weak and outdated IRS regulations to funnel massive amounts of unaccountable dark money into our elections through 501(c)(4) organizations.


Super PACs lead to political inequality (Hardball)
It’s been four years since the Citizen’s United decision, and the effects of that ruling have not gone unnoticed. Josh Green and Chris CIllizza join Hardball to talk about unlimited political spending and the inequality it’s created among candidates.