Did Ron DeSantis Win the 2022 Gubernatorial Race Legitimately?

The 2022 Florida Gubernatorial election results were very suspicious. Democrats vote count in 2018 was 4,043,723 and in 2022 it was 3,105,469, a drop of almost 1 million votes. Hard to believe that many Democrats didn’t show up to vote.


A poll from The Political Matrix/Listener Group showed Charlie Crist leading Florida Ron DeSantis in the gubernatorial race as of Sep 26, 2022.


As pointed out by the Tampa Bay Times, “Florida’s voter turnout for Democrats was an outlier compared to the rest of the country. Statewide, nearly two-thirds of registered Republicans showed up to the polls, compared to just half of registered Democrats” according to a Tampa Bay Times analysis.


The huge difference in Democrats’ vote count between 2018 of 4,043,723 and 2022 of 3,105,469 (a drop of almost a million votes) is remarkable.

There’s a total 4,970,554 registered Democrats in Florida and yet Charlie Crist only received 3,105,469 votes in 2022. When you subtract 3,105,469 who voted for Crist, minus the total 4,970,554 registered Democrats in Florida, the total comes to 1,865,085 who supposedly didn’t vote for Democrat Charlie Crist. On top of that is the 4,008,962 no Party Affiliation voters. It’s reasonable to assume some of them would have voted for Crist.


Per Florida voter stats, the total registered Florida Voters is 14,539,989. The total votes for all Florida Gubernatorial candidates (DeSantis, Crist, Gimenez and Roos) was 7,770,109. 14,539,989 registered voters – 7,770,109 who voted = 6,769,880 who didn’t vote. It’s hard to believe that many registered voters didn’t vote.

Democrats turning out across the United States in high numbers is why the “Red Wave” didn’t happen in 2022


Turnout Was a Big Problem for Democrats in Major Florida Counties

Only about half of the Democrats showed up for Tuesday’s election while around two-thirds of Republicans voted.

Per an article at nbcmiami.com, “Turnout Was a Big Problem for Democrats in Major Florida Counties”

“In Miami-Dade County, there are 135,229 more registered Democrats than Republicans, but more Republicans showed up: 61% of registered Republicans voted and only 46% of Democrat registered voters”.

“There are 106,299 more registered Democrats than Republicans in Palm Beach County. 55% of registered Democrats showed up and 66% of Republicans showed up”.

“There are 53,156 more registered Democrats than Republicans in Hillsborough County but only 39% of Democrats showed up and 44% of Republicans showed up to vote”.

As reported by the Miami Herald; The state Republican Party of Florida changed the voter registration of hundreds of low-income voters to Republican without their consent“.  This proves Florida Republicans engaged in unethical activities to affect the 2022 election outcome.


Rolling Stone investigative reporter Greg Palast busted Jeb Bush for stealing the 2000 election by purging Black voters from Florida’s electoral rolls. Now Palast is back to take a deep dive into the Republicans’ dark operation, Crosscheck, designed to steal a million votes by November.

Crosscheck is controlled by a Trump henchman, Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State who claims his computer program has identified 7.2 million people in 29 states who may have voted twice in the same election–a felony crime. The catch? Most of these “suspects” are minorities—in other words, mainly Democratic voters. Yet the lists and the evidence remain “confidential.”

Palast and his investigative side-kick Badpenny do what it takes to get their hands on the data, analyze it and go find some of these 7.2 million Americans tagged “suspects” and “potential duplicate voters” whose votes were threatened.

They hunt down and confront Kobach with the evidence of his “lynching by laptop.” Then they are off to find the billionaires behind this voting scam.

In this interview, Greg talks about his new film, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”. Called “The most important investigative journalist of our time”, Palast has been working for the BBC for 20 years and writes for the Guardian and the Rolling Stone.


RedShift: How The GOP Rigged Our Elections

Author Thom Hartman reveals one particular effect of the GOP’s voter suppression – “Redshift”, and claims Voter Suppression has been a Republican tactic for the last 50 years.


Note how this voting machine is rigged for Mitt Romney in 2012


In 2004 a computer programmer by the name of Clint Curtis testified to a congressional committee that he wrote a program for Florida Republican Tom Feeney, who was Speaker of the House at the time (per the video link below) which could flip votes and be undetectable. This shows Republicans’ history of efforts to rig / flip elections so it would be undetectable, going back 20 years.

When you consider how much technology has advanced in over 20 years, how Florida Republicans has done everything possible to suppress those who might vote for Democrats, the ruthless one party rule of Florida Republicans and the unusual low vote count of Democrats in Florida (called an ‘outlier’ by the Tampa Bay Times), it’s reasonable to question the outcome of the 2022 Florida Gubernatorial Race.


This video from 2016 by Dr Beth Clarkson details analysis patterns indicative of manipulation in voting machines, suggesting that election rigging / hacking has been occurring in the United States for a long time. These results form a pattern that goes across the nation and back a number of election cycles. Furthermore, the manipulation is not limited to a single powerful operator. Her assessment is that the data reveals multiple (at least two) agents working independently to successfully alter voting results.

Dr Beth Clarkson is an ASQ-Certified Quality Engineer, with a PhD in Statistics. She has worked as a professional statistician since 1983, helping manufacturing and service industries through the use of quality improvement techniques, surveys, and statistical analysis of data.


Data Suggests 2024 Election Rigged for Trump

Video clips of Trump saying he doesn’t need votes…. thanks Elon Musk at a rally on 1-19-2025 for help with Vote Counting Machines… Musk says how easy computers are to hack. When his son is asked if Trump is going to win, he says “Yeah, they’ll never know”.


Videos with New Data from SmartElections, Election Truth Alliance and letters from Cyber Security Experts to Kamala Harris show that the 2024 Election may have been Rigged for Trump.

Drop-off vote data provided by SmartElections and Election Truth Allience shows the margin for Trump’s victory in the swing states is less then the amount of votes potentially flipped from Harris to Trump. Data shows red flags in the election data, and demonstrate that Harris actually won the election if there was a vote flipping hack.

“Russian Tail” In 2024 Voting Data Reveals Election Hack

Analysis of the ballot-level data from Clark County, Nevada, shows vote anomalies resembling the “Russian Tail Hack” theory, a method of algorithmic vote manipulation.

  • Vote Pattern Anomalies: Analysis of early voting data shows an irregular shift in vote tallies processed by high-volume tabulators. Specifically, these machines displayed an increased share of votes for Donald Trump and a reduction in votes for Kamala Harris.
  • Tabulator Correlation: The discrepancies were most pronounced in tabulators that processed larger batches of ballots, with results skewing closer to 60%+ for Trump and 40%- for Harris as the volume of ballots increased.

These anomalies mirror what election security experts have referred to as a “Russian Tail Hack”, which suggests foreign actors used algorithms to subtly alter vote totals in key areas, maintaining overall statistical plausibility while targeting high-impact precincts.

The News Media including MSNBC, CNN and Democrats have refused to acknowledge or discuss any of the details about the irregularities of 2024 Election so the American people are completely unaware and in the dark about how Trump is a Illegitimate President elect due to being in violation of the 14th Amendment, the outrageous lies he to told to get re-elected (verified by Politifact) and letters sent to Kamala Harris on 11-13-24 & 11-15-24 from Cyber Security experts detailing how the 2024 election may have been hacked / rigged by Trump operatives. They urged her to order Recounts in Swing States and stated: “You should reverse your concession, call for both a full investigation of criminal activity and demand hand recounts in all seven swing states”, but she ignored their warnings. Additional proof includes videos produced by Election Truth Alliance on YT which shows vote anomalies in Swing States which they claim resembles a “Russian Tail Hack”.


Election Truth Alliance Nathan Taylor & Jessica Denson discuss data showing irregularities in the 2024 election


SMART Elections & Election Truth Alliance Nathan Taylor discuss data showing irregularities in the 2024 election


Hacking an Election is easier than you think, as discussed by Election Security Expert Susan Greenhalgh of Free Speech for People and Jessica Denson


Experts find more than 30 U.S. voting systems connected to internet

A team of election security experts used a “Google for servers” to challenge claims that voting machines do not connect to the internet and found some did.

Per the above article: “It was an assurance designed to bolster public confidence in the way America votes: Voting machines “are not connected to the internet. So many government officials like Manfra have said the same thing over the last few years that it is commonly accepted as gospel by most Americans. Behind it is the notion that if voting systems are not online, hackers will have a harder time compromising them.

But that is an overstatement, according to a team of 10 independent cybersecurity experts who specialize in voting systems and elections. While the voting machines themselves are not designed to be online, the larger voting systems in many states end up there, putting the voting process at risk.

That team of election security experts say that last summer, they discovered some systems are, in fact, online. “We found over 35 [voting systems] had been left online and we’re still continuing to find more,” Kevin Skoglund, a senior technical advisor at the election security advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, told NBC News”.


Republicans have a history of voter suppression, voter purges, voter challenges, Gerrymandering and other unscrupulous anti-democratic tactics to ‘win’ elections.


Trump’s “VICTORY” was Rigged Through Voter Suppression – Part 1


Trump’s “VICTORY” was Rigged Through Voter Suppression – Part 2


Trump’s “VICTORY” was Rigged Through Voter Suppression – Part 3


Kamala Harris Robbed of 3,565,000 Votes