Florida Republicans Use Dirty Tricks to Rig 2020 State Elections

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CNN reports how Republicans used “dirty tricks” to Rig Three (3) 2020 Florida State Senate Elections with Dark Money and 3rd Party Phantom Candidates.

(Per the article below from CNN) “A month before Election Day in Florida a mysterious company called Proclivity, Inc. contributed $550,000 to a pair of newly formed political action committees in the state. Two days later, the money flowed from the PACs to an Orlando-area print and advertising firm.

Shortly thereafter, came a torrent of nearly identical political fliers seemingly intended to siphon away support from Democratic candidates by tricking voters into casting their ballots for purported spoiler candidates who demonstrated no real interest in getting elected. None, for example, engaged in typical campaigning activities or raised significant funds.
In one case, the mailers appear to have helped a Republican—a co-founder of Latinas For Trump—unseat the Democratic incumbent in a state Senate race by a razor-thin margin of just 32 votes”.


A dark money mystery in the Sunshine State | CNN Politics

A dark money mystery in Florida centers on the campaign of a spoiler candidate who helped a Republican win by 32 votes.