GOP Smears Counter-Intel Expert Peter Strzok to Help Trump

GOP Stunt To Smear Counter-Intel Expert Peter Strzok Ripe For Backfire

Rachel Maddow tells the story of the FBI spying on Russian spies in the U.S., “Donald Heathfield” and “Tracey Foley,” and notes the extensive biography of Peter Strzok, who led many of those operations – the same Peter Strzok that Republicans are trying to smear in order to discredit the Mueller investigation. (Jul 11, 2018)


Peter Strzok Hearing: ‘This Felt Like A Repeat Of Benghazi’

During a Thursday joint hearing with the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, senior FBI official Peter Strzok sparred with GOP lawmakers who suggested his bias against President Trump tainted the department’s Russia investigation.


Trump’s Psychosis On Full Display At Disgusting Minnesota Rally

At Rally in Minnesota, engaged in disgusting conduct in front of women & children regarding Lisa Page & Peter Struck.

Not one Republican congressmen condemned this outrageous conduct