Republican Lawmaker Defends 12yr/olds Getting Married

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SICK Republican Missouri lawmaker defends 12-year-olds getting married.

Missouri State Sen. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) said on the floor Tuesday that he knew at least one person who got married at 12 years old and followed up with a comment of “Guess what, they’re still married.” State Rep. Aaron Crosley (D-Independence) brought forth attention to Moon’s remarks via Twitter, sharing a video of the floor debate late Wednesday that was largely met with criticism among viewers.


Republican Lawmaker Defends Marriages For 12 Year Old Girls

A Republican state senator from Missouri is on the defensive after he voted AGAINST a measure that would have outlawed adults marrying children (pre-teens, to be exact) and then he doubled down saying that he knows a woman that was married at 12 and she seems to be happy. These are the real groomers in our society.