Republicans Calls for Penalties on Solar-Panel Owners

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GOP Sells Out Solar Power in Florida

There was a time in America when big business and the politicians closest to them at least pretended to be patriotic, to put the interests of the nation and its citizens first. The latest abomination from Republicans in Florida shows that those days are long gone. All-powerful for-profit utilities have apparently bribed/persuaded Florida officials to crush what they consider to be a developing threat – solar power. Unless Democrats can pass federal standards that would preempt these state efforts, expect more and more of this nation’s for-profit utilities to have “conversations” with their wholly-owned Republican state legislators.


Florida solar customers, others shocked over new charge on electric bills


Owners paying for solar energy system but panels aren’t connected to the grid


ALEC calls for penalties on ‘freerider’ homeowners in assault on clean energy

Documents reveal conservative group’s anti-green agenda * Strategy to charge people who install their own solar panels * Environmentalists accuse Alec of protecting utility firms’ profits

Per the above article: “The Republican based Alliance of Corporations and Conservative Activists (ALEC) is mobilizing to penalize homeowners who install their own solar panels – casting them as “free riders” – in a sweeping new offensive against renewable energy”.

• Documents reveal conservative group’s anti-green agenda
• Strategy to charge people who install their own solar panels
• Environmentalists accuse Alec of protecting utility firms’ profits

Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) will promote legislation with goals ranging from penalizing individual homeowners and weakening state clean energy regulations, to blocking the Environmental Protection Agency, which is Barack Obama’s main channel for climate action.The group sponsored at least 77 energy bills in 34 states last year.

The measures were aimed at opposing renewable energy standards, pushing through the Keystone XL pipeline project, and barring oversight on fracking, according to an analysis by the Centre for Media and Democracy.