Republicans Choose The Economy Over Lives

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Trump Wants To Infect Us

He’s known how deadly this is. He’s known how dangerous it is to our children. He’s even come out and admitted it. The truth is Trump Wants To Infect Us


Documents Show HHS Adviser Advocating For More Covid Infections In Trump Herd Immunity Bid


‘We Want Them Infected’: Chris Hayes On Emails Revealing Truth Of Trump Covid Plan

Chris Hayes: “Donald Trump and our government under his leadership explicitly pursued a strategy to spread the virus, to get more people sick. They took the side of Covid. They had the same aims as the virus. They were—as I said before—objectively pro-Covid.”


Trump knows the herd immunity approach will kill millions of Americans — he admitted it months ago


Fox talking heads and Dr. Phil gives reason why the coronavirus is no big deal so we should re-open the country now.


Trump’s Projections Reveal Scary Numbers. TX Gov Admits COVID19 Cases to Spike After Reopen!


The Real Reason Trump Wants to Reopen the Economy


Republicans talk about how sacred life is and how they’re Pro-Life, but when it comes to Coronavirus, not so much. Hypocrisy?


Donald Trump and other prominent Republican leaders around the country are trying to convince the public that it is totally safe to go back to work. But the truth is that it isn’t. We aren’t there yet, and it may be months before it is actually “safe” for Americans to return to work. But those in power have nothing to worry about – they have all the protective gear and testing equipment they could ever want.


Republicans Choose The Economy Over American Lives

Trump and Republicans push to prematurely open the U.S. back up while thousands of people are still dying from the coronavirus, with no adequate widespread testing in sight, comes down to putting the Economy over Lives


DR OZ to Hannity: “Schools are a very appetizing opportunity. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing the opening of schools may only cost us 2 to 3%, in terms of total mortality. Any, you know, any life is a life lost, but … that might be a tradeoff some folks would consider.”


NBC News/WSJ Poll: 58% Americans Think COVID-19 Restrictions Will Be Lifted Soon

In the latest NBC News/WSJ poll, 58% of Americans think COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted too soon while 40% now know someone with COVID-19. Aired on 4/20/2020


The Three Options To End Quarantine


Trump’s Choice: The Economy or Human Lives

The president is running counter to public health experts – and some in his own administration – with his call to reopen the country soon.

Per the above article; “frustrated at the layoffs and stock market plunges that have occurred as result of stay-at-home directives and business shut-downs, Trump Tuesday doubled down on plans to loosen “social distancing” federal guidance meant to keep people from infecting each other. The nation, he declared in a Fox News virtual town hall, will be “open for business” by Easter, April 12.


‘Repulsive’: Outrage as Texas Lieutenant Gov. Says Seniors Willing to Risk Coronavirus Infection to Protect Economy | Common Dreams

“This crisis is really laying bare the extent to which we are ruled by completely craven psychopaths.”

Outrage as Texas Lieutenant Gov. Says Seniors Should Be Willing to Risk Coronavirus Infection to Protect Economy

“My message is: Let’s get back to work,” said Patrick, who emphasized that he is a grandparent. “Those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves, but don’t sacrifice the country. Don’t do that. Don’t ruin this great American dream.”

The above is more examples of what stupid, cold hearted bastards Republicans are, putting MONEY & GREED over the lives of human beings.


The Gap Between Trump’s Remarks On Economy And What’s In Plan

What’s driving the effort from some conservatives to downplay the impact of the coronavirus? The panel discusses Trump’s own words on the virus, along with rising infection rates and what’s in the plan to reopen the country. Aired on 04/17/2020


The United States is behind every other country in testing, thanks to Trump and his incompetent “Administration”.

If Republicans hadn’t passed their “Tax Breaks for the Rich”, increased Military Spending and blocked all efforts to make the Rich pay their fair share, we wouldn’t be trillions in debt and we’d be in better shape financially to weather this storm out.


This video explains the details