Secret Christian Government Takeover Exposed

Secret Christian Government Takeover Exposed

Video describes a plot to take over the government by a secret men-only right-wing Christian entity called the “Society for American Civic Renewal”.

The Society for American Civic Renewal, or SACR for short, is a group that was uncovered earlier this month by Talking Points Memo, which described them as, “a secret, men-only right-wing society with members in influential positions around the country who are on a crusade to recruit a Christian government that will form after the right achieves regime change in the United States, potentially via a ‘national divorce.'” Joining Joy Reid is the journalist who wrote this story, Josh Kovensky, investigative reporter for Talking Points Memo.


Radical Christian agenda comes into focus as mask slips on Supreme Court bias

As the Supreme Court’s Radical Right Republicans become less bothered with the pretense of impartiality, Christian nationalists can see their interests represented in the court’s business. Lisa Lerer, national political reporter for the New York Times, and Mark Joseph Stern, senior writer for Slate Magazine, discuss with Alex Wagner.


Republican Christian Nationalists are Religious Fanatics who want theocratic fascist rule over the United States and are behind strict Anti-Abortion Laws to charge a woman with murder who aborts a pregnancy for any reason.



Republican Christian Nationalists admitting they want Trump to be a Dictator and eliminate Democracy


Trump & The End of Democracy


Far Right Promises Death Penalty for Non-Christians

The 2024 election could be the last chance to stop the far right from gaining power. Winning this election isn’t just about saving our democracy, if the far right are honest about their aim to kill non-Christians, then this is a matter of life and death.


Hellish Vision Of a “Christian” America Republicans Pray For…

What would the ‘Christian America” Republicans are praying for look like if those prayers were answered? It’s gotten so absurd that a reporter spoke with a woman at a Trump rally sporting a crucifix & a t-shirt that said “Hang Joe Biden For Treason.” She essentially said Jesus would sanction execution

Why So Many QAnon Believers Are Evangelical Christians


Christian Nationalism Is On The Rise

The religious right has been around for a long time. But in recent years, a new kind of public, political expression of religion has grown increasingly common: Christian nationalism. But what do Christian nationalists really stand for and where is the movement headed? Amanda Tyler, lead organizer of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, joins Ayman to discuss.


The Growing Threat Of Christian Nationalism


Peter Montgomery joins Thom Hartmann to discuss project 2025, fascism and America’s future.


MAGA ‘Christian Nationalism’ Documentary by director Rob Reiner


Republicans like Lauren Boebert says there should be “No Separation of Church and State”


Christian Nationalism Ascendant In GOP Politics

In June 1979, Jerry Falwell Senior, a flamboyant Baptist minister, announced his intentions to build one of the most powerful political coalitions in American history. The “Moral Majority,” as it would later be tagged, was not only instrumental in the election of Ronald Reagan… it also forged a bond between the Republican Party and Christian fundamentalist groups that persists to this day – one that we now see manifesting even on the nation’s highest court.

Christian nationalists have hijacked the GOP and my faith community, says Wyoming Republican

“Christian nationalists have hijacked both my Republican Party and my faith community by blurring the lines between church and government and in the process rebranding our state’s identity,” writes Wyoming Republican Party member, Susan Stubson.


Inside The Pro-QAnon, Pro-Trump, Christian Nationalist Roadshow To ‘Save America’

Trump allies are leading a pro-QAnon Christian Nationalist roadshow where conspiracy theories and shady prophecies come together to fight the left and “save America.”


3 Ways Christianity Was Largely Responsible For The Holocaust

While Christianity wasn’t the sole catalyst for the Holocaust, there is no doubt that Christianity set the stage for the Holocaust to happen.

Per the above article; “Christianity was culturally oppressive to the Jews – In the eyes of the Christian church, Jews were heretics and Jesus-killers. Since they rejected the teachings of salvation, they deserved to go to Hell. Hitler hijacked German Christians’ existing prejudice towards Jews.

Hitler stepped in and said, “I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator by defending myself against the Jew. I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

Hitler merely played on the prejudices created by Christianity to blame the problems that were largely created by Christianity, on the Jews. Thus, Christianity played a central role in setting the stage for the Holocaust”.


The above Violent Christian-Bigot uses the bible to rationalize and validate Death for LGBTQ people.


Republican Christian Nationalist Oklahoma State Sen. Dusty Deevers explains how he wants to pass a law which aligns with punishment in various Bible verses


The Dangerous New Movement In Right-Wing America

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other far-right Republicans say plenty of disturbing things. But there’s a new and troubling trend in American right-wing politics: the desire to impose Christianity in the name of politics and nationalism. Professor Samuel Perry joins Mehdi to discuss: Just how dangerous is the rise of this movement in America?


Radical Christian nationalism replaces ‘gospel of love with false idol of political power’

Michael Flynn, convicted of lying to the FBI, is fusing Christian nationalism and conspiracy propaganda in his radical roadshows. Joy Reid and her panel discuss this and other elements of the specter of the radicalized right.


Description from YouTube: “Jesse talks about two Christian pastors who call democracy a disease and Black Lives Matter a Jezebel spirit. Shane Vaughn & Jackson Lahmeyer delivered remarks to their congregants in an effort to radicalize them politically”.


Christian Nationalism’s Racist Past Precludes Revival Except Among GOP’s Trumpiest

Rachel Maddow looks at the racist, antisemitic roots of “Christian nationalism” as advocated by American politician Gerald L.K. Smith in the 1950s, and the renewed embrace of the tenets of that disgraced movement by supporters of Donald Trump like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor Doug Mastriano.


Religious Extremists Mix Trump Worship With Christian Nationalism

Mehdi Hasan looks at how religious extremists in the Christian nationalist movement have cast Donald Trump as a messianic figure and threaten to make democracy secondary to empowering Donald Trump as an expression of divine will.