Tag: filibuster

Lindsey Graham Blocks Nominations Over Benghazi

The above video exposes how Lindsey Graham BLOCKED EVERY SINGLE Judicial nominee of Obama’s.

Lindsey Graham’s obstruction of President Obama’s nominees is why Harry Reid had no choice but to invoke the “nuclear option” to stop Graham’s and Republicans filibustering Judicial nominee’s of Obama’s.



Senator Lindsey Graham and Republicans acted like they were outraged about Benghazi to score political points against President Obama but never said a thing about the 60 Americans who died at embassies under George W. Bush.

Lindsey Graham and Republicans hasn’t said anything about Bush lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which led to the illegal war against Iraq.   That war was clearly illegal because Iraq did nothing to the United States and therefore George W. Bush had no legitimate reason to attack Iraq.   That war caused the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqi citizens and over 4,000 Americans.  Details….

A illegal war which caused the deaths of thousands of people is of far greater consequence than any conjured up “Benghazi Scandal”.

Republicans are the ones who have engaged in scandalous activities; Joseph McCarthy Communist witch hunts, Richard Nixon and Watergate, Ronald Reagan and the Iran Contra affair, illegally purging thousands of votes in Florida to get George W Bush elected, Stealing the 2000 election, passing anti voting laws, reducing the days people can vote, passing laws against women’s rights, the many crimes and lies of George W. Bush.

If anything needs to be investigated, its how the 2000 Election was stolen and how Bush lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction which caused a unwarranted invasion and thousands of deaths.

George W. Bush has been convicted of War Crimes by a tribunal in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Senator Lindsey Graham has proven to be another useless Party Line Republican Obstructionist.  He does not deserve the salary the American taxpayers are paying him.  He, (like most all Republicans) needs to be removed from office.






Benghazi Hoax Debunked

It is clear that Lindsey Graham and other Republicans constant comments about President Obama being responsible for Benghazi was motivated by partisan hate for President Obama and to “Get” Hillary Clinton.