Tag: government is rigged against the majority
No Democracy in the United States of America
Electoral College Should Be Abolished
The Electoral College has allowed two unpopular Republican candidates who received less popular votes in 2 elections during the past 16 years to become President; George W. Bush who lost the popular vote by almost 600,000 votes in the 2000 election and Donald Trump who lost the popular vote by 2.9 million. Neither of these incompetent people should have been president. More people voted against them than for them.
If we had a REAL democracy, the person who gets the most votes would be the winner. In every other country which has a democracy on this planet, the person who receives the most votes is the winner. The fact that we don’t elect our president by the most votes proves there is NO REAL DEMOCRACY IN THE UNITED STATES.
And speaking of Democracy, the United States ranks #25th!
The fault is 100% Republicans because they refuse to eliminate the Electoral College because it installed two (2) Unpopular Republicans into office who the majority didn’t vote for… George W. Bush and Donald Trump.
The Electoral College is one of the reasons why the United States ranks #25th as a Flawed Democracy.
The Theft of the Presidency and the United States Supreme Court Started with the 2000 Election
The Jeb Bush Administration Rigged the 2000 election by illegally purging thousands of black voters off of the Florida voter rolls, ensuring an unfair advantage to George W. Bush, as shown in the above video.
Antonin Scalia and his Radical Right Wing Republican majority of 5 “Justices” subverted democracy & engaged in partisan politics by stopping the 2000 election vote count. The above video explains the details.
This caused George W. Bush to be installed as President. At the time the votes were stopped by the Supreme Court, there were only 154 votes separating Al Gore from George W. Bush. With only 154 votes separating Al Gore from George W. Bush, it’s easy to see how illegally purging thousands of minority voters, handed the election to George W. Bush on a silver platter.
As shown in the above video, ChoicePoint / DBT was given a $4 million no-bid contract under the Jeb Bush administration which wrongly and illegally purged thousands of African Americans from the Florida voter rolls.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 2000 Election Investigation Recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice should “immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor” (Jeb Bush)
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights conducted an extensive public investigation of allegations of voting irregularities during the 2000 presidential election in Florida.
Here’s a link to the report in which the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice Prosecute Jeb Bush; http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/ch9.htm
Al Gore received a 543,895 Vote Majority over George W. Bush. If there were a REAL Democracy in the United States, Al Gore would have been President and the Supreme Court would have & should have been Liberal because Bush appointed 2 Justices.
Obama was President when Antonin Scalia died. Obama chose Merrick Garland as Scalia’s replacement. Republicans violated their constitutional duty by refusing to provide “Advise & Consent”, thereby blocking Obama’s pick.
Neil Gorsuch obtained his seat by theft due to Republicans refusal to perform their constitutional duty to provide “advise and consent”, blocking President Obama’s pick Merrick Garland, so Gorsuch is without question, an illegitimate “Justice”.
Advise & Consent Clause of the Constitution Violated by Mitch McConnell & Republicans
Ex-Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kushner explains how when Mitch McConnell & Republicans refused to provide Advise & Consent to President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Obama should have told Merrick Garland to take his seat in the Supreme Court.
Since Mitch McConnell & Republicans refused to provide Advise & Consent, any legal challenges would have likely failed, so the Supreme Court today would be 5 to 4 Radical Right Wingers instead of 6 – 3.
Republicans Blocked President Obama’s Supreme Court Pick, Merrick Garland
The fact the Republicans were able to keep this seat open for almost a year until a Republican (Trump) became president (who LOST by almost 3 millions votes) is an OUTRAGE and more proof of what a screwed up mess our Government is, and how ROTTEN & UN-Democratic Republicans are.
Trump, who LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, filled another Supreme Court Seat, (Brett Kavanaugh) against the will of the majority.
After Ruth Ginsburg died Republicans proved to be PARTISAN HYPOCRITES by filling her seat weeks before the 2020 election with Conservative Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett who is being appointed SOLELY because she’s expected to rule on issues like Roe V. Wade & “Affordable Healthcare” a certain way. This was the 5th Supreme Court Seat against the Will of the Majority
The Majority is NOT Conservative and does not support BACKWARD, REPRESSIVE, CONSERVATIVE, 1800’s ideologies and values
Republican Bush’s two (2) appointments and Trump’s Three (3) equals a total of FIVE Justices which should have been Liberal instead of Conservative. FIVE Liberal Justices would have given the Supreme Court a overwhelming Liberal Majority.
More people voted for Democrat Gore & Clinton so the “Will of the People” was violated by the appointment of Conservative Justices, a fact you never hear discussed.
This is another example of how Republicans are Authoritarians who refuse to change the RIGGED UN-Democratic system which exists now, because they don’t want a REAL Democracy.
The Roots of America’s Democracy Problem
The Senate Is Rigged for Republicans
The Senate does not represent the Majority and is rigged for Republicans because Red States like Wyoming which has a small population, get as much say a California or New York, with huge populations.
According to 2018 Census Bureau estimates, more than half of the US population lives in just nine states. That means that much of the nation is represented by only 18 senators. Less than half of the population controls about 82 percent of the Senate.
This is UNEQUAL Representation and another reason why the United States Ranks 25th as a “Flawed Democracy”.
How Mitch McConnell has destroyed the Senate
It’s an outrage that Mitch McConnell is the “Majority Leader” when in fact, he represents the “Minority” of Americans in this country. It’s an outrage how much control he has over everything and how he can legally block what the Majority of Americans want.
Democrats got millions more votes – so how did Republicans win the Senate?
Senate electoral process means although Democrats received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, that does not translate to more seats
According to the above article, Democrats led Republicans by more than 12 million votes in Senate races, and yet still suffered losses on the night and failed to win a majority of seats in the chamber.
Constitutional experts said the discrepancy between votes cast and seats won was the result of misplaced ire that ignored the Senate electoral process.
Because each state gets two senators, irrespective of population, states such as Wyoming have as many seats as California, despite the latter having more than 60 times the population. The smaller states also tend to be the more rural, and rural areas traditionally favor Republicans.
“The rise of minority rule in America is now unmistakable,” said Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University.
“Especially with a sitting president who won a majority in the electoral college [in 2016] while receiving roughly 3m fewer votes than his opponent, and a supreme court five of whose nine justices were nominated by Republican presidents who collectively received fewer popular votes than their Democratic opponents and were confirmed by Senates similarly skewed.”
According to the latest data, Democrats won the House popular vote by about seven percentage points in Tuesday night’s midterms.
Here’s the details…
Jeb Bush was the Republican Governor of the State of Florida and brother of the Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush.
Republican Secretary of State, Katherine Harris was also co-chair of Bush’s 2000 Presidential Florida campaign, clearly a conflict of interest in conducting a fair and impartial election.
Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris promised to “Deliver Florida” to George W. Bush
Secretary of State, Katherine Harris and Governor Jeb Bush had the motive and the means to make sure Florida’s decisive electoral votes were “delivered” to George W. Bush.
They accomplished this by illegally purging thousands of black voters off of the Florida voter rolls, ensuring an unfair advantage to George W. Bush, as shown in the above video.
Antonin Scalia and his Radical Right Wing Republican majority of 5 “Justices” subverted democracy & engaged in partisan politics by stopping the 2000 election vote count. The above video explains the details.
This caused George W. Bush to be installed as President. At the time the votes were stopped by the Supreme Court, there were only 154 votes separating Al Gore from George W. Bush.
As shown in the above video, ChoicePoint / DBT was given a $4 million no-bid contract under the Jeb Bush administration which wrongly and illegally purged thousands of African Americans from the Florida voter rolls.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 2000 Election Investigation Recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice should “immediately initiate the litigation process against the governor” (Jeb Bush)
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights conducted an extensive public investigation of allegations of voting irregularities during the 2000 presidential election in Florida.
Here’s a link to the report in which the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice Prosecute Jeb Bush; http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/ch9.htm
As stated in the above article, John Bolton was one of the lawyers for Republicans who repeatedly sought to shut down counts of the ballots from Florida counties before those counts revealed that Gore had actually won the state’s electoral votes and the presidency.
In this clip from the 2015 CNN documentary Bush v Gore, John “Mac” Stipanovich admits Republicans were determined to stop the vote count, no matter what it took, to make sure George W. Bush was installed as President. This proves Republicans only cared about winning and to HELL with Democracy and the will of the American people.
It was the Jeb Bush administration’s illegal voter purge, the Republican dominated Supreme Court and Republicans who subverted Democracy by not allowing the votes to be counted that caused the installation of George W. Bush and the US to have a conservative majority in the Supreme Court.
The rigged election of George W. Bush caused the following events;
- Installation of George W. Bush, a illegitimate president who was not elected to office by the American people
- False claims about Weapons of Mass Destruction to justify the War against Iraq
- Unprovoked, Unjustified War and Invasion of Iraq
- Deaths of 4,475 US Troops
- 32,331 US Troops wounded
- Deaths of over 112,000 Iraqi Civilians
- Debt of 10 Trillion dollars due to tax cuts and unpaid for wars
- Firing of US Attorneys for political reasons
- Appointment of Conservative Supreme Court Judges who destroyed the voting rights act of 1965
- The creation of ISIS due to the invasion of Iraq, be-headings and people being burned alive
- And much more…
None of these things would have happened were it not for the Jeb Bush Administration actions which helped brother George W. Bush to be installed as president.
When President Obama was elected President in 2008 by a huge popular vote majority, Republicans made an agreement to Block Obama on EVERYTHING. That obstruction continued throughout Obama’s Presidency and included Republican’s Blocking Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee, Merrick Garland.
In Robert Draper’s book, “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives” Draper wrote that during a four hour, “invitation only” meeting with GOP Political Strategist, Frank Luntz, Senior GOP Congressmen literally plotted to sabotage, undermine and destroy America’s Economy by among other things “Just Say No” to everything President Obama proposed.
These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party’s political platform for four long hours. These Republican Congressmen, who were elected & paid to do ‘the People’s work’ were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.
Here’s a list of the congressmen who attended the meeting;
Frank Luntz – GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA)
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R)
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R)
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R)
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R)
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R)
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich
During the four hour meeting: The senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.
If Obama Likes it, its Dead of Arrival
On January 20, 2009, the day of President Obama’s Inauguration, Republican Leaders in Congress plotted to obstruct everything President Obama proposed to make his presidency a failure (in what have become known as the “Caucus Room Conspiracy“), so he and Democrats would be blamed, so Republicans could re-take Congress and the White House in 2012, with no regard to the damage it would cause to the American people.
Letter: GOP thwarts Obama
Letter: GOP needs to be held accountable for its actions
Per the above article from 2016; “On President Obama’s Inauguration Eve, 2009, a secret four-hour meeting was held. Fourteen GOP leaders including Ryan and the disgraced former Speaker Newt Gingrich met. It was a plot to pledge obstruction and block Obama on ALL legislation, regardless how much damage to our economy. Invited was Frank Luntz, a propaganda minister and Fox News commentator who uses hate and fear to gain control. These lawless elected officials, paid by the people, literally plotted to sabotage our economy and livelihood. Fox News, their counterpart, repeated lies over and over; donors spent hundreds of millions to make our citizens hate our president. These actions are all disgusting and shameful.”
Al Gore received a 543,895 Vote Majority over George W. Bush. If there were a REAL Democracy in the United States, Al Gore would have been President and the Supreme Court would have & should have been Liberal because Bush appointed 2 Justices.
Obama was President when Antonin Scalia died. Obama chose Merrick Garland as Scalia’s replacement. Republicans violated their constitutional duty by refusing to provide “Advise & Consent”, thereby blocking Obama’s pick.
Neil Gorsuch obtained his seat by theft due to Republicans refusal to perform their constitutional duty to provide “advise and consent”, blocking President Obama’s pick Merrick Garland, so Gorsuch is without question, an illegitimate “Justice”.
Advise & Consent Clause of the Constitution Violated by Mitch McConnell & Republicans
Ex-Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kushner explains how when Mitch McConnell & Republicans refused to provide Advise & Consent to President Obama’s Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland, Obama should have told Merrick Garland to take his seat in the Supreme Court
Democrats has never refused to “Advise & Consent” to a Republican President’s Supreme Court nominee. This is another example what dirty rotten bastards Republicans are and how they don’t care about the rule of law or decency.
Republicans blocked President Obama’s Supreme Court Pick, Merrick Garland
Hillary Clinton received a 2.8 Million Vote MAJORITY over Trump, yet LOSER Trump was awarded the Presidency.
Trump, who LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, filled another Supreme Court Seat, (Brett Kavanaugh) against the will of the majority.
Republican Bush’s two (2) appointments and Trump’s Three (3) equals a total of FIVE Justices which should have been Liberal instead of Conservative. FIVE Liberal Justices would have given the Supreme Court a overwhelming Liberal Majority.
More people voted for Democrat Gore & Clinton so the “Will of the People” was violated by the appointment of Conservative Justices, a fact you never hear discussed.
This is another example of how Republicans are Authoritarians who refuse to change the RIGGED UN-Democratic system which exists now, because they don’t want a REAL Democracy.
Republicans injected $30 million, much of it from dark money contributions into state races in 2010, often targeting vulnerable blue state Democrats in races that wouldn’t otherwise draw a lot of national funding. The plan was called REDMAP
Through Gerrymandering, Republicans has made it almost impossible to be removed from office in some districts. Since they feel safe from being removed from office, they have no motivation to compromise. They are pursuing radical right wing agendas such as cutting assistance to the poor, cutting planned parenthood funding and passing anti-aborting “War on Women” legislation when the majority of Americans do not support these policies.
As shown in the above video, a Judge who has been voting for 49 years couldn’t vote because of Anti-Democratic Republican Voter ID Laws in Texas designed to prevent Women, Minorities, Seniors and Young people from voting.
This video exposes Republican’s Voter Obstruction Tactics
Our Government is a mess. It has allowed the losers of the popular vote in two (2) elections since the year 2000 to be declared the winner.
Republicans Disrespected the Will of the People by Blocking and refusing to even consider President Obama’s Supreme Court Pick.
Republicans has no motivation to make any changes because they are benefiting from how UN-Democratic & screwed-up our Government is.
Federal Judicial appointments should represent the MAJORITY of Americans values by Presidents elected by the majority.
The majority didn’t vote for George W. Bush in 2000 and the majority didn’t vote for Trump in 2016.
George W. Bush was not elected to office by the Americans people but was installed into office by a Partisan Supreme Court and by his brother’s administration (Florida Gov Jeb Bush) which illegally purged thousands of voters to help him win. He also received almost 600,000 votes less than his opponent so he was a Illegitimate President.
Since Trump was helped by a Foreign Government AND he received almost 3 million less votes than his opponent he is also a illegitimate President. He’s also under investigation for serious offenses so he should not be allowed to make any appointments while under investigation.
The American people should not have to pay, years to come for Republicans abuse of power, corruption and failure to do what is right, fair and just. They should not have to be stuck with Justices such as Brett Kavanaugh and others for life, appointed by Presidents not elected to office by the majority. That includes Neil Gorsuch who was installed as a Supreme Court Justice by unscrupulous partisan means against the will of the people.
No where in the constitution does it say Justices must be appointed for life. Lifetime appointments should be illegal because it’s equivalent to installing un-elected and unaccountable monarchs.
Our government needs to be revamped so we have a REAL Democracy which eliminates Gerrymandering, Voter Obstruction, the Electoral College and lifetime Judicial appointments.
The wrongs which have been done to the American people should be rectified. When democrats achieve a overwhelming majority and has control of the Presidency, Senate and House as they surely will at some point in the future, they should pass laws which eliminate the Electoral College, laws eliminating lifetime Judicial appointments and laws legalizing the removal of Judiciary appointments including those made by Bush & Trump.
Democrats with a overwhelming majority, have the right to Alter the Government as stated in the Declaration of Independence; “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government“.
In the meantime, Democrats need to stand up and fight for Democracy… to call out and expose Republicans for the UN-Democratic, Fascist, Authoritarians which they are.