Tag: Hillsdale College Right Wing Propaganda Outlet

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Hillsdale College Right Wing Agenda

Sources in the above video claim Hillsdale College has a Right Wing agenda, creates programs which are ‘politically motivated’, ‘helps provide intellectual cover for the Christian Nationalist movement’ and is a ‘danger to democracy’.


How this tiny Christian college is driving the right’s nationwide war against public schools

Exclusive: In the full-scale conservative assault on public education, Hillsdale College is leading the charge

Per the above article: “How this tiny Christian college is driving the right’s nationwide war against public schools. In the full-scale conservative assault on public education, Hillsdale College is leading the charge”

For decades, 1,500-student Hillsdale College — a liberal arts school in rural southern Michigan, founded by Baptist abolitionists in 1844 — has been known as a “citadel of conservatism.” Its campus features prominent statues of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, its curriculum leans heavily into the Western canon of “Great Books” and it describes itself as “a trustee of modern man’s intellectual and spiritual inheritance from the Judeo-Christian faith and Greco-Roman culture.”

In the 1980s, the college earned right-wing adulation for refusing to accept any federal funding, including student aid, to maintain its “independence in every regard”; in practice, this means it doesn’t have to comply with federal regulations, such as Title IX prohibitions on sex discrimination or the reporting of student racial demographics. (In 2013, Hillsdale president Larry Arnn complained to a Michigan legislative committee about state officials visiting campus to assess whether the student body included enough “dark ones.”) Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas once summoned up Reagan and American colonist John Winthrop in calling Hillsdale a “shining city on a hill.”

But in recent years, Hillsdale has greatly expanded its influence, becoming one of the most significant actors in U.S. conservative politics — if also one of the least conspicuous. Throughout the Trump years, there was a virtual revolving door that shuttled Hillsdale staff and alumni back and forth between the school, the White House and Capitol Hill. (Vanity Fair described the college as “a feeder school for the Trump administration.”) Right-wing politicians and thought leaders vie to give speeches at Hillsdale, which are then disseminated to a claimed audience of 6.2 million through the school’s monthly publication, Imprimis.

As Republicans move into a new phase of their long-game efforts to privatize public education, Hillsdale has become a key resource.


Anti-Democratic Fascist REPUBLICANS are passing Laws banning books, limiting what Teachers can Teach and what can be discussed in classrooms with huge fines of up to $10,000 for violations. Republicans want BIG GOVERNMENT to control every aspect of people’s lives. Life in the United States could become as anti-democratic, oppressive and unbearable as it is in Russia or Hungary unless Republicans are STOPPED by VOTING THEM OUT.







Florida REPUBLICAN Governor Ron DeSantis wants to put cameras in classrooms.


Teachers Pull Books To Avoid Felony Prosecution From DeSantis Law

Teachers are being told to withhold ALL of their classroom library books until they can be individually reviewed for certification in the wake of a new law, House Bill 1467, which can result in a third-degree felony if violated.


Indoctrination by cartoon? DeSantis’ latest attack on ‘woke schools.’

Ron DeSantis says Florida schools should be about “education over indoctrination.” So why is his state now bringing in lessons on race and social justice from a right-wing group whose leader brags about indoctrinating kids? Mehdi breaks down the hypocrisy behind DeSantis’ war on ‘woke’ schools.


‘Outrageous’: Don Lemon reacts to Florida book law championed by DeSantis


Embattled Florida parents to America: You’re next if DeSantis wins!

Alex Wagner looks at the agenda Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has laid out for his state and his disingenuous pushback on criticism of his cultural crusade as parents of students at New College of Florida caution the rest of America that if DeSantis succeeds in making an example of their school, Republicans everywhere will try to follow suit.


Republican’s War or Woke is a war against young people… an attack on how they think, exist, speak and especially how they understand the world they live in.


Ken Burns Compares DeSantis Bills to ‘Soviet System’ on CNN: ‘The Way the Nazis Would Build a Potemkin Village’

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns joined CNN on Tuesday and accused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) of creating a Soviet-like system through his bills targeting materials available in public schools. DeSantis has been focused on introducing legislation specifically aimed at explicit and “woke” materials in schools. His efforts have earned major pushback as critics argue new strict guidelines can be used to target LGBTQ and Black history-related content. House Bill 999 would give more power to a university board of trustees over curriculum being taught and essentially ban controversial curriculum like Critical Race Theory. [source: mediaite.com/tv/ken-burns-compares-desantis-bills-to-soviet-system-on-cnn-the-way-the-nazis-would-build-a-potemkin-village]


DeSantis & Florida Republicans are following in the footsteps of Autocrat Dictator of Hungary Viktor Orban by taking control of Education


Right Wingers around the world are systematically destroying Democracy, implementing One Party Rule with rigged elections, take-over of the News Media, Judiciary and take-over of Education, similar to what DeSantis and Republicans are doing in Florida.


Thom Hartmann explains how Victor Orbán and his Radical Right-Wing Party took over the once Democratic government in Hungary and turned it into a anti-democratic authoritarian fascist one-party-rule dictatorship where elections & the courts are rigged, all of the media is state controlled and praise for Victor Orbán Propaganda is seen everywhere. Republicans are following the same playbook so it could happen here unless they are STOPPED.


Video shows how Right-wingers turned Hungary into a anti-democratic fascist one-party-rule dictatorship. Trump & Republicans have followed the same playbook so it could happen here unless they are STOPPED.


Outrageous’: Florida teacher rips DeSantis’ censorship, criminal threats

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is pushing a new law forcing teachers to remove books from classrooms that are not deemed “appropriate.” So-called “Woke Busters” are joining DeSantis’ effort and forcing libraries and schools to remove “offensive” books. Florida public school teacher Andrea Phillips joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber, calling the law “outrageous,” and adding students “don’t have books to read.”


Republican Christian Nationalists Threat to Democracy

Trump & Republicans want to turn the Presidency into a Presidential Dictatorship. The reason most Republicans is OK with this is because they know the majority of Americans doesn’t support their Radical beliefs. So they are counting on winning the 2024 Presidential election through the Electoral College, which allows them to seize power with a minority of the votes. Then they will cram their Radical Right Wing laws, beliefs and lifestyles down American Citizens throats. They have already started in Red States by criminalizing abortions and taking control of education.


Republicans admitting they want a dictatorship and want to eliminate Democracy



The American Republican Fascist Party


Republican Christian Nationalists want anti-democratic fascist one-party-rule in the United States and are behind strict Anti-Abortion Laws to charge a woman with murder who aborts a pregnancy for any reason.




3 Ways Christianity Was Largely Responsible For The Holocaust

While Christianity wasn’t the sole catalyst for the Holocaust, there is no doubt that Christianity set the stage for the Holocaust to happen.

Per the above article; “Christianity was culturally oppressive to the Jews – In the eyes of the Christian church, Jews were heretics and Jesus-killers. Since they rejected the teachings of salvation, they deserved to go to Hell. Hitler hijacked German Christians’ existing prejudice towards Jews.

Hitler stepped in and said, “I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator by defending myself against the Jew. I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

Hitler merely played on the prejudices created by Christianity to blame the problems that were largely created by Christianity, on the Jews. Thus, Christianity played a central role in setting the stage for the Holocaust”.

Just like GERMAN CHRISTIANS…. AMERICAN CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS condone HATE, VIOLENCE and MURDER. Just like Hitler who said “I am fighting for the work of the Lord” many American “Christians” believe (because they are so hopelessly brainwashed) they are right and everyone else who doesn’t share their beliefs are wrong and should be destroyed.




Why So Many QAnon Believers Are Evangelical Christians


Christian Nationalism Ascendant In GOP Politics

In June 1979, Jerry Falwell Senior, a flamboyant Baptist minister, announced his intentions to build one of the most powerful political coalitions in American history. The “Moral Majority,” as it would later be tagged, was not only instrumental in the election of Ronald Reagan… it also forged a bond between the Republican Party and Christian fundamentalist groups that persists to this day – one that we now see manifesting even on the nation’s highest court.


Christian nationalists have hijacked the GOP and my faith community, says Wyoming Republican

“Christian nationalists have hijacked both my Republican Party and my faith community by blurring the lines between church and government and in the process rebranding our state’s identity,” writes Wyoming Republican Party member, Susan Stubson.


Description from YouTube: “Jesse talks about two Christian pastors who call democracy a disease and Black Lives Matter a Jezebel spirit. Shane Vaughn & Jackson Lahmeyer delivered remarks to their congregants in an effort to radicalize them politically”.