Tag: ISPs can sell your data without permission

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Republicans Repealed Online Privacy Protection

ISPs can now sell your data without permission

Trump & Republicans passed a law that will let internet service providers sell your browsing history and personal data to advertisers, without your permission.


Congressional Republicans voted to repeal a regulation that prohibits Internet Service Providers from selling your personal online information (browsing history, social security number, emails, etc.) at the behest of Comcast, Verizon, & AT&T. In a brazen act of corruption—which can only be explained by the millions in campaign contributions given to Republicans by the telecommunications industry.

Republicans have shown that they have no interest in representing anyone but their donors. However, they aren’t going to get away with this, because Americans are vowing to fight back by buying off and publishing the private information of Republicans that voted in favor of this measure.

The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them

They betrayed you for chump change


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Internet Activists Plot 2018 Electoral Revenge Against Republican Privacy Sellouts

Coming soon to a GOP district near you: Street protests, billboards, and online organizing campaigns.


Internet Activists Plot 2018 Electoral Revenge Against Republican Privacy Sellouts who voted to sell private consumer data