Tag: Lindsey Graham Worst Hypocrite in history
Lindsey Graham: Hypocrite & Partisan Hack
Lindsey Must Go ad produced by Lindsey Must Go PAC exposes how Graham is a Trump Boot-Licking Toady and a two-faced Hypocrite, who a is unfit to serve in ANY capacity of elected office.
In March 2016, Sen. Lindsey Graham brushed off accusations of partisanship and invited critics to hold his feet to the fire after he opposed President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court pick to replace Justice Antonin Scalia. His reasoning? It was an election year.
“I want you to use my words against me,” the South Carolina Republican said. “If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.'” But on Saturday, less than 24 hours after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, Graham tweeted, “I will support President @realDonaldTrump in any effort to move forward regarding the recent vacancy created by the passing of Justice Ginsburg.”
Jesse Dollemore discusses the ad produced by Lindsey Must Go PAC, showcasing his hypocrisy and disloyalty. Further, Jesse talks about Graham’s betrayal of John McCain who Lindsey Graham claims was his “best friend.”
Former Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner discusses why he thinks Lindsey Graham went from being a Trump Critic to one of his biggest supporters
Lindsey Graham Stonewalls Merrick Garland’s Confirmation Hearing
Steve Schmidt explains how Lindsey Graham’s character decay led to a rotten Congress
Description from YouTube; “Republican Senator Lindsey Graham lost a major donor… Richard Wilkerson, the former chairman and president of Michelin North America, penned an op-ed this week saying that he would be pulling his support from Graham and supporting his Democratic opponent because of the way Lindsey stabbed his best friend John McCain in the back”.
Lindsey Graham and his fellow Republicans put politics and their careers above doing what was right for this country and the American people, by failing to remove Trump from office.
Lindsey Graham said in October 2019; “If you could show me that Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing”. When it was proven there was a quid pro quo, Graham dismissed it and gave Trump a pass. Everyone knows, if Trump were a Democrat, Graham and Republicans would be outraged and Gung-Ho for impeachment and removal.
This video exposes Trump’s Lawlessness and his out-of-control Wanna-Be Dictator conduct. This is a threat to democracy, the constitution and the well being of the United States. Lindsey Graham and his fellow Republicans are enabling and being complicit in Trump’s outrageous, lawless conduct by doing nothing.
In 1998 Lindsey Graham advocated Impeachment against Bill Clinton, yet failed to advocate Impeachment against Trump for far worse than offenses Clinton committed.
Lindsey Graham 12-18-1998: Nixon failed to comply with subpoenas from Congress, causing Impeachment
This exactly what Trump did, only worse. Trump failed to comply with subpoenas from Congress to provide ANY documents and BLOCKED witnesses from testifying.
Lindsey Graham Double Standards over Bill Clinton & Donald Trump
In the above video, Michael Cohen admits at the direction of Trump, he violated Campaign Finance Laws by paying off women to keep silent to help make sure Trump was Elected. This is a Federal Crime. Lindsey Graham and Republicans has said virtually nothing about this.
Bill Clinton was impeached for less.
Lindsey Graham stated; “if this body [Congress] determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role . . . because impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
On 09/27/2018 at the Brett Kavanaugh hearing Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham went on an insane tirade which included statements such as; “This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics” and “Boy, y’all want power… I hope you never get it” while entirely disregarding Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony.
Democrats should have immediately called Graham out and reminded him how he and Republicans filibustered and blocked EVERY Judicial Nominee of President Obama’s including his Supreme Court Nominee, Merrick Garland who they REFUSED to even consider.
Video Shows How Republicans Blocked Obama’s Judicial Nominees
When BUSH was president, Democrats approved his conservative judicial nominees. Republicans refused to be as fair & decent to President Obama. They engaged in “Mean Spirited” Partisan Obstruction instead of patriotism and doing what was right for this country and the American people.
The above video exposes how Graham blocked every Judicial nominee of Obama’s. Amazing that NO ONE has called him out on this and his Hypocrisy.
Lindsey Graham’s obstruction of President Obama’s nominees is why Harry Reid had no choice but to invoke the “nuclear option” to stop Graham’s and Republicans filibustering Judicial nominee’s of Obama’s.
And Graham had the NERVE to go on a self-righteous hissy fit over women testifying about Brett Kavanaugh’s abusive conduct and Democrat’s opposition to his becoming a Supreme Court Justice after evidence showed Kavanaugh LIED on several occasions.
For years, Lindsey Graham made accusations about President Obama and Hillary Clinton being responsible for four (4) Americans deaths in Benghazi at a US Embassy.
60 Americans died when George W. Bush was President. There were no endless investigations by Republicans into those deaths… proving the endless Benghazi investigations were politically motivated.
Benghazi Hoax Debunked
It’s clear that Lindsey Graham and other Republicans constant comments about President Obama being responsible for Benghazi was motivated by partisan hate for President Obama and to “Get” Hillary Clinton.
Mueller Report Obstruction of Justice Highlights
Fox News Andrew Napolitano explains how based on the Mueller Report, Trump obstructed justice multiple times.