Tag: republicans don’t care if kids die from coronavirus

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Push to Reopen Schools Putting Politics Above Lives

As we have seen since Trump was installed into office by the Electoral College, every decision he makes has been about what’s best for HIM.

Forcing Schools to re-open is no different.


It appears Trump is eager to reopen schools in part because most parents can’t return to work without childcare. He just wants them open… so people can go back to work… so things can be appear to be back to “normal,” so he can get reelected.


After the way Trump has disastrously handled his time in the White House and the Pandemic… do you really trust him to make health decisions about your child’s life?


Betsy DeVos’ Deadly Plan to Open Schools

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich exposes how Trump’s Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is using the pandemic to push her agenda of privatizing education.


Schools are swarms of people interacting with each other, passing along germs all day long. Forcing kids and teachers back into schools while the pandemic is out-of-control will ignite the spread of Covid-19 like wildfire. Kids will take virus germs back to their homes and families, accelerating the spread of Covid-19, causing unimaginable devastation.

Various articles claim 1 in 5 teachers will quit, rather than put their lives and their families lives at risk. There’s already been shortage of teachers at many schools… things will get MUCH worse with ever fewer teachers.

Trump and Republican’s push to re-open Schools while the Covid-19 Pandemic is out of control is INSANITY and putting the economy above people’s lives.


Georgia teacher resigns over concerns with back-to-school plan

CNN’s Chris Cuomo talks to Ashley Newman, a Georgia teacher who resigned after her county decided to go back to school despite high coronavirus case numbers.


Teachers Feel Schools are Unsafe to Reopen During Pandemic


Teacher Regrets 2016 Trump Vote as Schools Reopen During COVID-19


Rachel Maddow compares the CDC guidelines for reopening schools in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic and the newly released guidelines which the Trump White House has manipulated to downplay the option of schools not reopening if the virus isn’t contained.


When it comes to reopening schools, the Trump admin is actively and publicly ignoring science


Trump claims children do not spread virus easily

Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Dave Campbell and Dr. Nahid Bhadelia discuss school re-openings, vaccine development, and the unknowns surrounding Covid-19 antibodies–which studies have found experience ‘rapid decay.


Trump’s Demand That Schools Reopen Is More Sinister Than You Think

Donald Trump is demanding that schools start reopening next month, and most people agree that this is a recipe for disaster. But Trump isn’t concerned with the education of our children – his reasons for getting schools back open are far more sinister. He believes that reopening our schools will be a catalyst for getting ALL workers to go back, but that can’t happen without a massive surge in infections and death.


Trump’s Push To Reopen Schools Is Sending His Poll Numbers To New Lows

Trump refuses to back down from his push to reopen schools in a few weeks, even as the number of new Covid-19 cases continues to climb nationally. The President is out of his mind, and the public is fully aware of it. The latest polls show that a majority of the public is not with Trump on this one, and they believe that it is an incredibly dangerous and stupid idea.


31% of kids in Florida tested for COVID-19 are positive

Florida’s hardest hit counties, Miami-Dade and Broward, are both opting to start the school year with virtual learning until conditions improve.


“That’s what I lose sleep over,” says Jeff Gregorich on reopening schools in his tiny district in Arizona. “It doesn’t make sense to me at all. As many times as I play it out, I just don’t understand what others are missing that think that would be safe.”


Republican Missouri Gov Mike Parson said in an interview “These kids have got to get back to school. If they do get COVID-19, which they will and they will when they go to school they’re not going to the hospitals. They’re not going to have to sit in doctor’s offices. They’re going to go home and they’re going to get over it.”

  • Parson’s comments came amid a nationwide debate over reopening schools
  • Trump threatened to pull funding from schools that don’t reopen
  • Missouri has seen an alarming uptick in infections in recent weeks, with a record 958 new cases confirmed on Saturday
  • The state has reported more than 35,200 cases and 1,167 deaths to date


COVID-19 cases for people 20 and younger grow in Missouri as school districts make plans for reopen


White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Thursday said that “science should not stand in the way” of Schools opening their doors to students in the fall.

Goes to show how Trump and his “Administration of Morons” don’t give a DAMN about children’s health and how unqualified they are to hold ANY position in public office.


He followed that up with this tweet: “I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools. While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!”

And those tweets come hard on Trump’s suggestion  in an event at the White House on Tuesday that any governor not allowing schools to reopen in the fall was doing so for political reasons.

The problem is that Trump is so focused on his political imperatives that he is losing sight of the bigger picture here: Forcing or pressuring schools to fully reopen will jeopardize the health of teachers and could well boomerang back on him from both a public health and political perspective.

What Trump has seized on is the fact that, based on all available data, young people tend not to get very sick from the coronavirus. “As you know, this is a disease that’s a horrible disease, but young people do extraordinarily well,” Trump said Tuesday.

But like much of how Trump has treated the virus, he’s cherry-picking data points that work for him while ignoring others, which present a less-convenient reality.


Republican John Kennedy tells people who are against opening schools to prevent kids them from contracting COVID-19 “They can kiss my ass!”