Tag: Samuel Alito Radical Right Wing Republican Partisan Political Hack

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Samuel Alito: Partisan Hack Unfit for Supreme Court

Videos show Samuel Alito has proven to be a Radical Right Wing Republican Partisan Political Hack Unfit to be a Judge in the United States Supreme Court


Impeach Justice Samuel Alito


New York Times Reports Justice Alito’s Wife “Appeared to SPIT Toward a Vehicle” driven by a younger Couple

The Times Reports that after January 6th a woman in her 30s who lived with her mother and boyfriend near Alitos put up signs that read trump subpoena a fascist and you are complicit.  not long after, the woman’s mother took the signs down, fearing they would attract unwanted attention. then on the day president Biden was inaugurated, the couple  drove by the Alitos home, where they say Martha Anne Alito was standing outside. Here’s what “the New York Times” says happened next.  miss Alito ran toward their car and yelled something they did not understand. the couple continued driving, they said, and as they passed the Alito home again to exit the cul-de-sac, miss Alito appeared  to spit toward their vehicle. the next month the conflict reignited. Quoting from the times again, the woman and her boyfriend were pulling in trash bins when the Alito, who seemed to be on a stroll, appeared. Mrs. Alito addressed the pair by name, used an expletive, and called them fascists, the couple told the times and said in texts at the time. Justice Alito remained silent, they added. the Alitos began to walk away. that was when the woman snapped, she said. she does not remember her precise words but recalls something like “how dare you behave this way, you’ve been harassing us over signs. you represent the highest court in the land, shame on you”. The woman then called Martha Anne Alito an expletive and the younger couple later reported the incident to the police.  So justice Alito’s wife standing alongside the justice was publicly berating neighbors over political disagreements over Donald Trump and January 6th and then she flew insurrectionist flags over Justice Alito’s house without his objection. [Text taken from the above video] 


Neighbor who clashed with Justice Alito’s wife reacts to undercover audio of her ranting about flags

Secret, undercover audio recordings of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann, reveal her combative nature and expose the lie that the political flags flown over the Alito properties were not meant to associate them with any group. Emily Baden, a former neighbor of the Alitos who became the target of Marta-Ann’s ire because of political lawn signs, talks with Alex Wagner about her reaction to the newly published audio.


Hear new, secret audio exposing Justice Alito’s media gripes

New audio recorded secretly at a party at the Supreme Court Historical Society shows Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito complaining about Pro Publica exposing ethical lapses by Clarence Thomas and himself. Alex Wagner shares the exclusive audio from progressive activists Lauren Windsor.


Alito ex-neighbor at center of flag dispute speaks out

CNN’s Erin Burnett speaks with Emily Baden, the former neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, about their dispute that Alito says led his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, to hoist controversial flags in response to her exchange with Baden.


What’s most ‘disturbing’ about Justice Alito’s flags


American flag flown upside down at home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in solidarity with Jan 6th Insurrectionist

A New York Times report revealed that an upside-down American flag was flown outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito just days before Biden’s inauguration. The perversion of the American flag, normally a symbol of distress, was co-opted by the seditionists who stormed the Capitol. This corrupt and despicable act has no place in America and no place inside the Supreme Court. As the man who led Alito’s confirmation process, Steve Schmidt says he is “deeply ashamed” of his association with the Justice.


Justice Alito torched for another extremist ‘MAGA battle flag’ by Sen. Whitehouse

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the two “MAGA battle flags” flying at Justice Alito’s homes as he refuses to recuse from cases involving Donald Trump and Jan. 6: “It really capsulates all the problems we’ve had with this rogue Supreme Court and its refusal to accept any rule of law.”


Alito’s upside-down American flag aligns him with Trump’s insurrection; Alito must recuse


‘Political statements in favor of Donald Trump’: Sen. Blumenthal blasts Alito for flags

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., slams Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for the controversial flags flown outside of his


“Sedition Is In The Air” Flying Outside of Justice Alito’s Homes

There’s been another report of a flag related to January 6th and the MAGA movement flying outside of Justice Samuel Alito’s home. This is not a patriotic act, but rather one that represents an attack on the Capitol, an attack on the cornerstone of our country’s existence. He is unfit to serve as a justice. He is a MAGA revolutionary in a robe.


‘None of them have clean hands’: Rep. Nadler calls for Justice Alito to recuse in Trump cases

Ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerry Nadler joins The Weekend to discuss new calls for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from Donald Trump’s cases.


Republican Appointed Right Wing Judges Lied Under Oath to get their Seats and should be IMPEACHED / REMOVED


Samuel Alito’s Lies Didn’t Stop In His Confirmation Hearing

Lawrence O’Donnell details the years of lying and hypocrisy from Republicans and Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justices on abortion rights.


Samuel Alito Quotes 17th Century Witch Trials Misogynist to Justify Outlawing Abortions

Samuel Alito reaches back to legal writings in 17th century England to show that the right to abortion services is not deeply rooted in our history. He cites Sir Edward Cook, writing in 1644 that abortion is a crime.

In the draft Supreme Court opinion that will live in infamy, Samuel Alito says, on page one, the Constitution makes no mention of abortion. The Constitution, also, makes no mention of the right to travel. The government has never granted us the right to travel. Yet, we have always had it.

Roe versus Wade links the right to abortion services, to the right to privacy, which we, also, assumed that we have, but the Constitution does not mention a right to privacy, and Samuel Alito, and the majority of the Supreme Court, don`t believe that you have a right to privacy. They believe that they have a right to privacy. It was the first time, in its history, has ordered an investigation of the very worst thing that has ever happened to the Supreme Court. The court`s privacy has been invaded.

The chief justice calls the violation of the court`s privacy, quote, egregious breach of trust. And that`s how the Supreme Court feels when they lose their privacy, it`s egregious for them. But they don`t care how you feel when they take your privacy away. The private deliberations of the Supreme Court have been invaded by the leak of the Alito first draft of the revocation of a constitutional right. Samuel Alito says that a right to abortion services is not, quote, deeply rooted in this nation`s history.

Women on the Supreme Court are not deeply rooted in this nation`s history. Nowhere does the Constitution say that women can serve on the Supreme Court. Nowhere does the constitution say that Black people can serve on the Supreme Court.

The Founders thought only white men should ever serve on the Supreme Court. The Founders were the original proponents of affirmative action exclusively for white men. The Founders deeply and fervently believed in carrying out the mass murder of as many members of the native tribes of this continent and enslaving as many Black people as was necessary for white men to reign supreme in this land. That is deeply rooted in this nation`s history.

If you are using “deeply rooted in this nation`s history” as the basis for what you think is right and just and you are lost. You are morally lost. Samuel Alito reaches back to legal writings in 17th century England to show that the right to abortion services is not deeply rooted in our history. He cites Sir Edward Cook, writing in 1644 that abortion is a crime.

In 1644, in England, they were still having witch trials ending in the execution of the convicted witches, and Sir Edward Cook helped English law define which is when he rewrote English law in 1604 to make it even more cruel in witchcraft trials. He wrote a witch is a person who hath conference with the devil to consult with him or to do some act.

So, Samuel Alito is quoting approvingly the 1644 judgment on abortion of an English aristocrat who said a witch is a person who has conference with the devil. Samuel Alito is reaching back four centuries to use Sir Edward Cook, as a moral authority on abortion, a man who believed in witches and believed they were working with the devil and believed that witches should be murdered by the state and he helped make sure that they were murdered by the state in England.


’17th Century Misogynist’ Cited Multiple Times In Justice Alito’s Draft Opinion

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade cites a virulent 17th century misogynist multiple times. Alito also saying some supporters of “liberal access to abortion” are trying to suppress Black births, among other statements.


‘Breathtakingly Arrogant’: Alito Shredded For Claiming Most GOP Justices ‘Wrong’ Except Him

Nearly fifty years after Roe v. Wade was decided, the right to an abortion has been stripped away by the Supreme Court, marking the first time the Court has rescinded a right. Donald Trump’s appointees to the Court are under fire for tainting the legacy of the Court, as many believe they reversed the decision because they personally oppose abortion. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber is joined by The Nation’s Joan Walsh and Linda Greenhouse, who covered the Supreme Court for The New York Times, to discuss the legitimacy of the Court. Greenhouse writing in a New York Times piece responding to the ruling that Alito’s statement asserting that the Justices who previously backed “Roe” were wrong is “breathtakingly arrogant.”


Does The Supreme Court Have An Alito Problem?

The New York Times has revealed evidence that Justice Samuel Alito leaked a 2014 Supreme Court decision on whether businesses can deny contraception coverage to employees. The leak is eerily similar to a leak earlier this year, revealing the Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade weeks before it happened. University of California law professor and author of “Policing The Womb,” Michele Goodwin, joined Alicia Menendez on American Voices to discuss the integrity of the Supreme Court at this point in history.


While conservatives are allegedly still hunting for the Supreme Court leaker from this past summer, one leaker has now been revealed for a case that was decided years ago. That leaker was Justice Samuel Alito, according to reports, and the case was the infamous Hobby Lobby birth control decision. Reports claim that Alito leaked the ruling in order to appease his far right friends.


Another leaked Supreme Court opinion. Per New York Times, Justice Alito may have leaked it himself

Last spring, the Supreme Court opinion in the Dobbs case authored by Justice Samuel Alito – a ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and revoking women’s constitutional privacy rights – was leaked. In some new, blockbuster reporting, The New York Times has revealed that another Supreme Court decision – the Hobby Lobby case – was allegedly leaked by Alito himself.


Sen. Whitehouse Blasts Conservative SCOTUS Justices Rich Right-Wing’s Business

The New York Times reports that a former anti-abortion leader questions if Justice Alito leaked the decision in a 2014 ruling and details right-wing lobbying efforts to influence conservative justices. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who has tracked dark money to the Supreme Court, joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss his reaction and the need for ethics reform.



Supreme Court rejects Trump claim of ‘absolute immunity’ from grand jury subpoena for tax returns

The Supreme Court rejected President Trump’s claim of “absolute immunity” from a New York grand jury subpoena for his financial records.

A 7 to 2 Supreme Court decision rejected Trump claim of ‘absolute immunity’ from grand jury subpoena for tax returns.

And who felt Trump should be treated like a Dictator and have ‘absolute immunity’?

REPUBLICAN appointed “Justices” Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito