Tag: trump slowing down mail delivery to rig 2020 election

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Trump & Republicans Sabotaging the USPS

USPS overtime cut, deliveries slowed down and mail processing machines destroyed after Trump / Republican Donor Louis DeJoy was installed as Postmaster Inspector General


The above graph shows the significant change in the timeliness of USPS deliveries after Republican & Trump Multi-Millionaire Donor Louis DeJoy became the Postmaster General.


Increased Postal delivery delays due to Trump Administration Postmaster Louis DeJoy Sep 29, 2021


Louis DeJoy Announces Plan To Further Destroy Postal Service

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has announced a plan that analysts say will both slow down mail delivery in the United States and also cost consumers more money by increasing the price of stamps.


Trump’s Republican Crony Multi-Mullion Dollar Political Donor Louis DeJoy must Resign or be Fired


Joe Biden plans to have Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy removed by adding three members to the Postal Board


Biden Surprises With USPS Board Shake-Up; Key DeJoy Allies To Be Replaced

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi talks with Rachel Maddow about the unexpected announcement that President Joe Biden intends to nominate two new members of the U.S. Postal Service board, removing key allies of Trump postmaster general Louis DeJoy, and likely setting the stage for his replacement.


House Oversight Committee To Launch New Investigation Into Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

The House Oversight Committee will be launching a new investigation into Postmaster General Louis DeJoy after allegations that he pressured former employees to make political donations.


Trump has repeatedly expressed his disdain for the USPS by claiming Amazon should be charged more due to his hatred of Jeff Bezos who owns the Washington Post (which writes critical stories about Trump).  Trump has repeatedly alleged, without proof, that mail-in voting efforts are ripe for fraud and will cost him the White House when voters cast ballots.  Trump fired Inspector Generals to stop investigations of those in his administration.

It appears that Trump (or his enablers) is now trying to sabotage the U.S. Postal Service in order tilt the 2020 election in his favor by having a Republican Multi-Millionaire Donor, Louis DeJoy installed as the Postmaster General to undermine the ability of Americans to vote by mail.


Contradicting DeJoy’s claims, USPS internal documents show how overtime has been limited

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said during his testimony that he has not cut postal workers’ overtime. But an internal USPS document show how policy changes prohibit “extra” or “late” trips and mandating that carriers “return on time.” NBC News’ Geoff Bennett reports his latest.


I-Team: Thousands of Georgia voters report never receiving absentee ballots (Jun 28, 2021)


Rep. Lynch Eviscerates Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

Democratic Representative Stephen Lynch blasted Postmaster General Louis Dejoy at a Congressional oversight hearing


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Grills Postmaster General DeJoy

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz grilled Trump appointee Postmaster General Louis DeJoy about his ransacking of this hallowed institution.


States Team Up To Sue Trump For Sabotaging 2020 Election

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit this week against Donald Trump, Louis Dejoy, and the U.S. Postal Service in an attempt to stop the damage that they are causing the postal service. New York is joined by numerous other states, including vital swing states, and they are all challenging the administration on the grounds that this will have a major negative impact on the election. This may be the last hope to save the post office



The photo above shows mail piling up and not being processed at a distribution center Henrietta, NY. New reports say employees are being told not to worry about mail piling up and to do nothing about it. These actions appears to be a deliberate effort to sabotage the USPS.


Former USPS worker concerned changes could dismantle postal service

A former United States Postal Service worker tells News 8 there’s no reason for any sorting machines to be removed; it will only slow down delivery.



It’s an OUTRAGE that under the Republican Trump administration and at the direction of Trump & Republicans Multi-million Dollar Donor Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy… millions of dollars of High Volume Mail Sorting Machines are being removed from USPS facilities and destroyed. This is a MASSIVE waste of Tax payer dollars.

These machines were paid for so there can be no legitimate claim that removing them will save money or improve the USPS.

It’s suspicious why a multi-million like DeJoy would take the position as Postmaster General which pays way less than he’s used to, unless it’s to carry out some ideological mission. As detailed in videos on the page, Republicans has been wanting to privatize the USPS for years.


Dismantled sorting machines sit outside Grand Rapids USPS


Mail Sorting Machine Graveyard Discovered By Reporter

An intrepid reporter from Woodtv8 discovered this discarded mail sorting equipment.


USPS Workers Worry About Sorting Mail Without Machines

CBS 2 Investigator Megan Hickey reports on the disappointment USPS workers have over the state of their agency and what will happen this November when there will be many ballots to be sorted.


Rep. Mikie Sherrill and Maine Secretary of State discusses USPS

Rep. Mikie Sherrill and Maine Secretary of State, Matthew Dunlap discusses their concerns about USPS mail slow downs, removal of High Volume Sorting Machine and Mail Boxes


Inside USPS Struggles Over Mail Delays, Election Ballots

U.S. Postal Service workers speak with NBC News’ Geoff Bennett about the changes they’ve seen in the way mail is delivered and what that could mean for the election.


Louis DeJoy: There Is ‘No Intention’ To Return Removed Mail Sorting Machines

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy committed to handling election mail efficiently at a Senate hearing but also stated there is “no intention” to return the mail sorting machines that have already been removed from post offices. NBC News’ Geoff Bennett has details.


Postal Service plans to remove 671 high-volume mail processing machines

An internal US Postal Service document obtained by NBC News reveals plans to remove 671 high-volume mail processing machines from postal facilities across the country. The document, circulated in June, is broken out by region and city/state. NBC News’ Geoff Bennett joins to break down his latest.


The Post Office Is the New Battleground for Trump’s War on Mail-In Voting

President Trump is busy attacking mail-in voting, and the Postal Service’s ability to handle ballots in the upcoming COVID election. Meanwhile, his hand-picked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy faces scrutiny for appearing to undermine the workflow of the USPS at this critical time.




Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service: Remove Louis DeJoy

I am a tax paying American Citizen. Louis DeJoy is taking actions that are disrupting the mission of the United States Postal Service, which is to deliver US mail to the citizens of the US in a timely fashion. DeJoy has no experience or expertise that pertains to the USPS.

Over 986,838 has signed to above petition demanding Louis DeJoy be FIRED


To gain control over the Postal Service, the Republican dominated Postal Board of Governors appointed a Republican Corney Party Loyalist and Donor as the Postmaster General.


Trump’s USPS Chief has slowed down Delivery amid calls to Expand Voting by Mail


Widespread Public Outrage Halts Post Office Removal Of Mailboxes

Rachel Maddow reports on Donald Trump’s postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, had to halt the removal of mailboxes from city streets after reporting in Montana led to widespread public outcry.


Trump ADMITS ON AIR That He’s Using Postal Service to Interfere in Upcoming Election.

Clips of a conversation between Maria Bartiromo (apparently that’s how to pronounce her name) and Donald Trump during which he admits that he is refusing to fully fund the Post Office during the pandemic to negatively impact absentee voting. Some of what he said concerning the matter is, “Now they need that money in order to make the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots… But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting”


David Dayen: ‘It’s Very Likely Mnuchin Played A Role’ In Postal Service Controversy

David Dayen tells Ali Velshi that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy “didn’t pass the laugh test” when he testified that he had spoken to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin about his plan, but not details about the changes that slowed mail delivery. Dayen says this merits further investigation given new details that Mnuchin was interested in using the Postal Service as a political tool: “This is one agency trying to tell another agency in the federal government what to do.”

According to an article posted on thehill.com, “Ex-Postal Service board member testifies Mnuchin tried to politicize agency“… “The former vice chairman of the U.S. Postal Service board of governors and inspector general accused Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin of trying to politicize the independent agency during testimony before lawmakers on Thursday.

David Williams, a former Postal Service inspector general who resigned in April as the vice chairman of the agency’s board of governors, said that he stepped down from his role because he felt the Treasury Department was trying to make the traditionally apolitical agency a political tool. Williams, one of the board’s designated Democratic members, served on the board of governors for nearly two years until his resignation and before that was the agency’s inspector general for 13 years.

Williams said that an executive hiring firm was contracted to recommend a candidate for the position of postmaster general, but the GOP donor who ultimately got the job, Louis DeJoy, was instead introduced late in the process by John Barger, another member of the Postal Service’s board of governors who was appointed by President Trump“. (End of quote from thehill.com)



Per the above article” House Oversight Committee Democrats say DeJoy’s name was put forward by John Barger, a member of the Postal Service’s Board of Governors who also happens to be a Republican donor and managing director at a California-based private investment firm.

In a three-page letter to Barger, Democratic Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois and Katie Porter of California cited “correspondence former USPS officials” that described Barger’s role in offering up DeJoy to become postmaster general, succeeding USPS veteran Megan Brennan in the role. Barger was the Board of Governors’ leader of the search process. The lawmakers said putting forward a candidate outside the search process was a break from typical practice.

“The appointment of Mr. Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General was highly irregular, and we are concerned that his candidacy may have been influenced by political motivations,” Krishnamoorthi said in a statement.

Shortly after the public disclosure of the letter, David Williams, the former vice chairman of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, alleged the Trump administration is trying to politicize the agency during a hearing convened by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

“By statute, the Treasury was made responsible for providing the Postal Service with a line of credit,” Williams said. “The Treasury was using that responsibility to make demands that I believe would turn the Postal Service into a political tool, ending its long history as an apolitical public infrastructure.”


History of Republicans War on the Postal Service

Conservative policymakers have been eyeing the USPS with hungry privatizing chops for a long time. To help accomplish their goals, they passed laws which force the US Postal System to fund retirement of their worker for the next 75 years in 10 years. These unreasonable requirements could cause the USPS to run out of money.

More recently, Trump has threatened not to help the Postal Services financial plight which has been worsened by COVID-19 unless they raise rates on Amazon.com. News reports say the reason is partly because Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns the Washington Post, which frequently writes articles critical of Trump.


We Need To Protect the U.S. Postal Service From Privatization


“I’m a postal worker. In the coronavirus pandemic, I am my customers’ link to the world.

While Washington debates the fate of the Postal Service and the fiscal hit it’s taken from the coronavirus pandemic, a remarkable shift has occurred in how people view the mail and their mail carrier in the COVID-19 era.

Over the last six weeks, the friendly waves I receive along my route in Loomis, a rural community dotted with sprawling homes, vineyards and horse ranches, have become more effusive. Smiles are wider. Mailboxes are emptied more frequently, no doubt because stay-at-home orders have people looking for things to do. Conversations with my customers have become lengthier and more personal, tinged with a sense of relief that at least mail delivery remains dependable and stable in what has been an uncertain and unstable time”.


Thousands Gather To Oppose The Presidents Plan To Privatize The Postal Service


Stop Privatization of the U.S. Postal Service


Thanks to Republican policies, U.S. Postal service is in danger of collapse. The GOP has refused to do anything because they want to see the Post Office privatized

Of related significance is the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), which obligates the USPS to fund the present value of future health care benefit payments to retirees within a ten-year time span – a requirement to which no other government organization is subject. Thus, in addition to the weak economy and the diversion of mail to electronic means, the mandates of PAEA have had a considerable impact on Postal Service finances. In 2012, the USPS had its third straight year of losses from operations, which amounted to $4.8 billion. Congress also has the ability to affect the USPS budget by changing rates for postage.

Retirement funding

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is the main bureaucratic organization responsible for the human resources aspect of many federal agencies and their employees. The PAEA created the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefit Fund (PSRHB) after Congress removed the Postal Service contribution to the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). Most other employees that contribute to the CSRS have 7% deducted from their wages.

The PAEA enabled the prefunding of health insurance for employees by stipulating that the USPS was not to have a surplus and end the use of its savings to eliminate postal debt, which it had been instructed to do in the Postal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act of 2003. The weekly payment of $115 million was ceased on June 24, 2011, due to the USPS’s debt of $8 billion and a retirement benefits surplus of $6.9 billion.


Local and breaking news in Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, SC from FOX Carolina


Trump Moves to Gut the Post Office

His war on Amazon expands to include the right wing’s campaign to abolish America’s oldest-and still successful-public service.

If the Postal Service Dies, So Does Democracy | Washington Monthly

Republicans are now trying to kill the post office and mail-in voting.


USPS Warns Employees Not to Speak to Press

Memos obtained by Motherboard warn USPS employees that nosy customers could be sneaky reporters.

Per the above article; “Memos are trickling down the United States Postal Service bureaucracy warning employees that they should not speak to the press and any customer asking lots of questions may be a journalist sneakily trying to get information out of them.

The memos outline what employees should do if contacted by the media, and are titled “Guidelines for Handling Local Media Inquiries.” Motherboard obtained two separate memos from postal employees in two districts. The memos are nearly identical, with different language only about who employees should contact if they receive a media inquiry. They were sent to employees in the last few days, following a spate of articles about the changes Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has made that have put the post office under major scrutiny.

It is all too common for organizations public and private to remind employees they are not authorized to speak to the media. Instead, they urge them to direct reporters through official channels to, as the USPS put it, “protect its brand.”

But well-run organizations don’t try and stop employees from talking, an especially fruitless endeavor for the USPS which has a 630,000-strong heavily unionized workforce. Typically, well-run organizations try and fix the problems the employees are talking about instead”.


Postal Service worker: Dismantled mail processing machines is only our latest burden

The Postal Service gave me a job that serves Americans all over the country. It is something to be proud of. But now it is in danger.

3 Big Lies At the Heart of Republican Attacks On the Post Office

House Republicans are aiming to dismantle the postal service, but their plans hinge on a few tall tales they’ve sold the American public.

GOP Goes Batty on the Postal Service | Common Dreams

Will we let the Republicans destroy this most public of all public institutions?



Congratulations to the American Postal Workers Union on their important victory against privatization. We must oppose the Koch brothers/Republican agenda which is about privatizing every aspect of American life whether it is the U.S. Postal Service, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or public education. We must stand together for workers’ rights and strong public services which protect the needs of ordinary Americans.

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