Tag: Trumps jobs claims a lie

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Trump Didn’t Create the Greatest Economy or Jobs

Trump’s Greatest Economy & Jobs Claims are false as shown in these articles and videos


Trump Did Not Create The ‘Greatest’ U.S. Economy


Economic news including unemployment claims reaching nearly pre-pandemic levels and job creation numbers that are already better than what Donald Trump bragged about in his first two years in office.




As shown above, the economy and jobs growth always does better under Democrat administrations… because Democrats are for Working Class Americans



Former Union President says Trump failed keep Jobs in the United States or bring jobs back home as he promised


Did Trump create the “Greatest economy in the History of the World? Not a chance. Griffin Hammond runs the numbers and debunks Trump’s claim.


Biggest Braggart President in History, Trump has claimed he’s the he’s the best at everything, as seen in the above video. Since he brags on himself constantly, it’s no surprise he would claim he created the Greatest Economy and the MOST Jobs. Any wonder why some call him “Don the Con”?



Trump takes credit for gains made under Obama

On Monday, former president Obama commemorated the 11th anniversary of the $800 billion stimulus, yet President Trump fired back on Twitter saying it was a ‘con job.’


Less Job Creation Under Trump Than Obama

Trump took to Twitter on Monday to proclaim the success of the economy on his watch. But, according to Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner, Trump’s claims included exaggerations and lies.


‘The greatest jobs president?’ Not so much

There were less jobs created under Donald Trump than in the previous five years – but Trump keeps pretending he is God’s gift to working people


Don’t get Snowed by Trumps Job Claims


Description from Youtube: “Donald Trump falsely claims that he convinced ownership at the Ford Motor Company to keep their plant in Louisville, Kentucky instead of moving it to Mexico”.



History scholars disagree and rate Trump dead last


Source: politicalwire.com/2018/02/19/trump-stacks-presidents


Trump’s Rosy Economic Outlook Is a Big Lie | Common Dreams

It should not surprise us in the least that the most dishonest president in U.S. history would spin a fantastical vision of the economy that appears to exist only in his imagination.

It should not surprise us that the most dishonest president in U.S. history would spin a fantastical vision of the economy that appears to exist only in his imagination.