Tag: Wisconsin Republicans Suck

Wisconsin Republicans Don’t Care About Democracy or Will of the People

Wisconsin Republicans prove they don’t care about about Democracy or the Will of the People by threatening to impeach and remove newly-elected Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz before she can rule on any case.  They want to make sure their Anti-Democratic Rigged-by-Gerrymandering Majority stays intact.


Republicans threaten to impeach Wisconsin justice before she has ruled on any case

Even though she has not heard a single case in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Republican lawmakers are talking about impeaching and removing newly-elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz. And thanks to their gerrymandered state legislature, they may have the votes to do it before she can rule on a challenge to the state’s gerrymandered maps.


‘Undo the voice of the people’: Wisconsin GOP threatening to impeach newly elected judge

Editor-at-Large for the Bulwark Charlie Sykes, New York Times Editorial Board Member Mara Gay, MSNBC National Affairs Analyst John Heilemann and Staff Writer at The Atlantic Franklin Foer join Nicolle Wallace to discuss how Republicans in Wisconsin are attempting to oust Justice-elect Janet Protasiewicz before she has yet to hear a single case.


Voter wrath flares as Wisconsin GOP tries to disregard election results

Rachel Maddow explains how Janet Protasiewicz was elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in part because of her criticism of the state’s pro-Republican gerrymandering, and how Republicans are already trying to overturn her significant election victory by impeaching her before she has had a chance to hear a single case before the court. Ben Wikler, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin describes how the move is motivating outraged voters.


Rep. Gwen Moore: WI GOP ‘afraid democracy will subvert their effort to stay in power’

Wisconsin’s GOP-led legislature is considering impeaching a liberal state Supreme Court justice after she criticized Republican gerrymandering in the state and spoke in favor of abortion rights. Democratic Congresswoman of Wisconsin Gwen Moore and the chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party Ben Winkler join MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart to discuss.


The Republican Party’s plan to rule the state of Wisconsin forever, explained

Wisconsin’s legislature is gerrymandered to ensure that Democrats will never win it. Republicans have a plan to keep it that way.

Wisconsin Republicans are behaving like Anti-Democratic Fascists from a Banana Republic


Wisconsin Republicans caught cheering voter suppression

Robert Spindell, a Republican member of the Wisconsin Elections Commission and a Trump fake elector, wrote an email saying he was “proud” about the effect of voter suppression efforts—particularly in “overwhelming Black and Hispanic areas.”


Wisconsin Republicans prove their Radical Right Wing Anti-Democratic Fascists who doesn’t believe in Democracy or care about Wisconsin citizens by rigging elections in their favor through extreme Gerrymandering. This is typical behavior out of Republican “Conservative” bullies who are determined to cram what they want down people’s throats… decency and democracy be DAMNED.



Statewide Win For Evers Exposes Distortion Of Republican Gerrymander Of Wisconsin

An MSNBC panel talks about how Republicans in Wisconsin have so thoroughly rigged the election maps that a Democratic governor and a near Republican supermajority can be produced by the same election.


Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial nominee Tim Michels saying he’d ensure “Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor” PROVE Republicans are Anti-Democratic Fascist who are determined to SEIZE and maintain POWER by any means necessary.



Republicans has rigged elections in their favor for years to come through gerrymandering.



Republicans began rigging elections in 2010 so they couldn’t be removed from office by hyper-gerrymandering every state they took control of. Republicans injected $30 million, much of it from dark money, often targeting vulnerable blue state Democrats in races that wouldn’t otherwise draw a lot of national funding. The plan was called REDMAP


Through Gerrymandering, Republicans has made it almost impossible to be removed from office in some districts. Since they feel safe from being removed from office, they have no motivation to compromise. They are pursuing radical right wing agendas such as cutting assistance to the poor, cutting planned parenthood funding and passing anti-aborting “War on Women” legislation when the majority of Americans do not support these policies.


GOP Gerrymandering: Democratic Votes Not Matched By Seats Gained

Rachel Maddow shows four states in which Democratic popular vote victories are not commensurate with representative legislative seats because Republican gerrymandering has tipped the playing field.


Democrats won 20 million More Votes and Lost


The United States constitution is severely flawed when more often than not in the last few elections the majority of people voting for a particular party did not receive their relative representation. Democrats received 20 million more votes in the Senate than Republicans in 2014, yet Republicans won big.

The same occurred in the House of Representatives in 2012.

House Democrats out-earned their Republican counterparts by 1.17 million votes. Read another way, Democrats won 50.59 percent of the two-party vote. Still, they won just 46.21 percent of seats, leaving the Republicans with 234 seats and Democrats with 201.

Full article at egbertowillies.com/2015/01/04/amazing-democrats-won-20-million-votes-lost/



The Party Of Voter Suppression

The Republican effort to make it harder to vote continues unabated, with hundreds of thousands purged from voter rolls in two key states. Aired on 12/17/19.


Wisconsin Republicans Force Vote During Pandemic


‘They saw an opportunity to suppress the vote:’ Lt. Gov. on Wisconsin GOP forcing voters to polls amid pandemic

Mandela Barnes, the Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, on the state holding an election amid a global pandemic: “We got to this point because of a long trend of voter suppression that’s been going on across the state and across the country.”


Republicans couldn’t accept the fact that they lost Governor elections in Michigan and Wisconsin… so what was their response? Not to respect the “Will of the people”, but to strip power away from newly elected Democrat Governors. This is how SPOILED BRAT BULLIES behave… if they can’t get the toy they want, then they DESTROY it.


As shown in videos on this page, Republicans RIG elections by Gerrymandering, Voter Obstruction and Voter Purges. When that don’t work and they LOSE, they resort to passing legislation to LIMIT the powers of a duly elected Democrat.


EXPOSED: Republican Voter Suppression Plot in Wisconsin

Audio from the secret Tea Party meeting where the voter caging plot was discussed. Speaking in these clips is Tim Dake, the head of Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty and widely recognized leader of the Tea Party coalition in Wisconsin.

Voter caging is a tactic that attempts to invalidate voter registrations by sending non-forwardable mass mailings to certain groups of people like minorities and students. When the mail is returned, a “caging list” is created to officially challenge the registrations. Republicans have used the practice in small operations going back to 1958, but in 2004, more than half a million voters were targeted.


EXPOSED: Republican Voter Suppression Plot in Wisconsin

Audio from the secret Tea Party meeting where the voter caging plot was discussed. Speaking in these clips is Tim Dake, the head of Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty and widely recognized leader of the Tea Party coalition in Wisconsin.

Voter caging is a tactic that attempts to invalidate voter registrations by sending non-forwardable mass mailings to certain groups of people like minorities and students. When the mail is returned, a “caging list” is created to officially challenge the registrations. Republicans have used the practice in small operations going back to 1958, but in 2004, more than half a million voters were targeted.


CAUGHT ON TAPE Listen to Trump 2020 Lawyer Admit to Voter Suppression by the Republican Party”