Trump wielding presidency like an autocrat: to preserve his power


From Ukraine to Coronavirus: Trump’s Abuse of Power Continues


Title from YouTube: “Reince Priebus Says Trump Considering Abolishing 1st Amendment”

Description from YouTube: “According to his Chief of Staff, the President is considering either amending or completely abolishing the 1st Amendment in order to teach the press a lesson about being mean to him. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this”.


Trump Wants To Change Libel Laws So People Can’t Criticize Him


Trump Wanted SNL Investigated by the DOJ for Making Fun of Him




Trump attacks on the press out of an authoritarian playbook


Video shows the shocking similarities between Ruthless Dictators and Trump




Since Trump began running for President and throughout his 1st year in office, he has called the Press “The Enemy of the People” and news which exposes things he doesn’t like, “Fake News“.


Trump called Democrats Treasonous for not Standing, Clapping and Praising him like a dictator for the State of the Union Address he read from a Teleprompter.

Trump often accuses people of “not loving our country” who opposes HIM. If you oppose Trump, you “hate our country“. This is how dictators talk to their brainwashed followers, to make them dislike anyone who dislikes the dictator. To Trump, the United States = Donald Trump. He seems to think the United States is his and he OWNS this country.


Trump Expects EVERYONE to Stand and Clap


The Trump Administration is attempting to destroy democracy and turn the United States into an authoritarian country. Amy Siskind​ keeps track of the authoritarian actions taken by the Trump Administration.


Trump Mad That “His Guys” At The Justice Department Won’t Do His Bidding

According to recent reports, Donald Trump is furious that he can’t just have “his guys” at the Department of Justice do his bidding whenever he wants them to. But unfortunately for Trump, not only does that raise suspicions that he might be trying to cover up criminal activity, but the people at the Justice Department are there to protect and preserve the laws of the United States, not to do the bidding of a tyrant.


Appointing cronies, generals and his family? Brian Klaas’s new book “The Despot’s Apprentice: Donald Trump’s Attack on Democracy” says Trump’s actions are the same as other despots around the world


Oversight erased, Supreme Court hijacked: Trump turns the presidency into a dictatorship

Trump has stripped away the levers of independent oversight until there’s nothing left. Our democracy is in the midst of a three-alarm fire.

Trump has stripped away the levers of independent oversight until there’s nothing left. Our democracy is in the midst of a three-alarm fire.


The above list shows how Trump fits the check-list of notorious Dictators… Names on Buildings, Appoint Family Members, Fox Propaganda State TV with sycophants like Sean Hannity praising him, Multi-hour speeches, Want to Lock Up Opponents, Love other Dictators, President for Life, Pathological Lying, Hold Military Parades, etc.


Trump Sees Celebration Of Him & Celebration Of U.S. As Same Thing

Trump often accuses people of “not loving our country” who opposes HIM. If you oppose Trump, you “hate our country“. This is how dictators talk to their brainwashed followers, to make them dislike anyone who dislikes the dictator. To Trump, the United States = Donald Trump. He thinks the United States is his and he OWNS this country.



5 Signs President Trump Leads Like a Middle East Dictator

President Trump is running the country like a corrupt Middle East dictator, relying on his family for business and governing.



In a bizarre scene like you’d expect to see in a place like North Korea, Cabinet members, from Reince Priebus to Elaine Chao took turns praising Trump and the privilege of working him. These sad people understand that the only way to stay in Trump’s favor is by telling him how great he is.

All the while, not a word from Republicans about this outrageous display. If Trump were a Democrat, their hair would be on fire. Just goes to show what hypocrites Republicans are.


Sickening display of Trump Sycophants kissing his ass and lying about what a great job he’s doing


POLL: Only 36% Of Republicans Support Freedom Of The Press

43% of Republicans think President Trump “should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior,” while only 36% disagreed with the statement, according to an Ipsos poll


Trump Supporters Are Excited By The Idea Of Him Being A Dictator

Donald Trump did exactly what most of us expected, and he actually convinced his base that he SHOULD be a dictator if he gets back into office, and that it is somehow a good thing to trample on the Constitution. Ever since Trump first made his dictator comments, his supporters have been quick to defend and ultimately offer their praise of the comments, and that part isn’t dying down, either. A new poll also shows that a strong number of Iowa voters say that his rhetoric makes it MORE likely that they will support him.


Republican: ‘Staggering’ GOP ‘cowardice’ enables Trump

Fmr. George W. Bush speechwriter and Washington Post opinion writer Michael Gerson says “the cowardice among Republicans” is causing a backlash across the country.


This chilling video was produced during the 2016 Presidential Election by Republican Presidential candidate, Ohio Governor John Kasich. It exposed Trump as the Greatest Threat our country has ever faced, and proved to be uncannily prophetic.


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