Trump Campaign Lies to get Donations

Trump Campaign Lies and escalating rhetoric in fundraising emails, including a message to “haul out the guillotine” to get donations are astonishing and outrageous


Numerous mental health professionals claim Trump is a Malignant Narcissist. American Psychologist, Dr. John Gartner stated; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump”. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies”.

No normal person would lie with impunity like Trump has (over 30,000 times while President), refuse to admit he lost the election, claim he won after he lost, then instigate a coup and insurrection to overturn the election after he lost.


Trump fails to attract courthouse protest despite all-caps pleas for support

On Monday Apr 15, 2024 hardly any protestors showed up so “all hell” didn’t break loose


Trump Lies About Non-existent Protestors

Apparently Trump was pissed off that hardly any protestors showed up on Monday Apr 15, 2024, so he outright LIED, falsely claiming police turned away ‘thousands’ from Manhattan courthouse and that supporters ‘can’t get near’. He also wrote on social media that “Lower Manhattan surrounding the Courthouse was completely CLOSED DOWN.” And he told reporters inside the courthouse on Tuesday: “For blocks you can’t get near this courthouse.”

This follows a pattern of Trump making things up, such as lying about the 2020 election being “Stolen” and “Winning in a landslide”. It appears he’s unable to cope with reality… stating how he wants things to be, rather than how they actually are.

Trump is probably well aware that millions of his deluded supporters believes whatever he says while Right Wing Media backs him up on his ridiculous claims, so he’s emboldens to lie with impunity.


Trump’s Lies About 9/11