Trump Wants to End Net Neutrality
More fallout from Trump being elected president… ending Net Neutrality Consumer Protection.
Google, Facebook, and Netflix are among those joining a “Day of Action” to protest the FCC’s plan to roll back Obama-era rules on net neutrality. CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett, who interviewed the new FCC chair, Ajit Pai, earlier this year, joins CBSN to discuss Pai’s goal of creating internet “fast lanes.”
Comcast Spreading Anti-Net-Neutrality Propaganda
Dead People’s Names Used to File Phony Anti-Net Neutrality Complaints to FCC
Since the FCC voted to roll back Title II net neutrality regulations, they’ve received nearly 3 million comments in support of the current net neutrality rules. However, thousands of phony anti-net neutrality complaints are being submitted to the FCC—using industry talking points—under the identities of celebrities, ordinary citizens, and even dead people. This phenomenon, known as ‘Comcastroturf,’ is being used to falsely inflate the number of anti-net neutrality complaints, so when they make their final vote in August, these fake comments will be used to bolster the idea that Americans support the FCC and Ajit Pat’s pro-corporate agenda.
The Trump administration served notice that its plans to deregulate broadband internet service companies would be to jettison the Obama administration’s net neutrality rules, which were intended to safeguard free expression online.
The net neutrality rules, approved by the Federal Communications Commission in 2015, aimed to preserve the open internet and ensure that it could not be divided into pay-to-play fast lanes for web and media companies that can afford it and slow lanes for everyone else.
Trump earlier this year appointed Ajit Pai, a former lawyer for Verizon and a minority Republican member of the Federal Communications Commission, as chairman of the agency. Mr. Pai voted against the net neutrality rules as a commission member in 2015.
Since becoming chairman, Mr. Pai has indicated that he plans to either roll back or decline to enforce many consumer protection regulations created during the Obama administration, including those regarding net neutrality.
Supporters of net neutrality have insisted the rules are necessary to protect equal access to content on the internet. Opponents said the rules unfairly subjected broadband internet suppliers like Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and Charter to utility-style regulation.
Courts have made clear that if the FCC ends Title II classification, the FCC must let ISPs offer “fast lanes” to websites for a fee. Chairman Pai has made clear that he intends to do exactly this.
But if some companies can pay our ISPs to have their content load faster, startups and small businesses that can’t pay those fees won’t be able to compete. Internet providers will be able to impose a private tax on every sector of the American economy.
Moreover, under Chairman Pai’s plan, ISPs will be able to make it more difficult to access political speech that they don’t like. They’ll be able to charge fees for website delivery that would make it harder for blogs, nonprofits, artists, and others who can’t pay up to have their voices heard.
Net Neutrality Is Trump’s Next Target, Administration Says (Published 2017)
The White House said its next move to deregulate broadband service would be to jettison the Obama administration’s net neutrality rules, which were intended to safeguard free expression online.
This is what you get when you elect Republicans… policies which favor BIG BUSINESSES and SCREW Average Joe Americans.
What is net neutrality?
Net neutrality is the basic principle that protects our free speech on the Internet. “Title II” of the Communications Act is what provides the legal foundation for net neutrality and prevents Internet Service Providers like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T from slowing down and blocking websites, or charging apps and sites extra fees to reach an audience (which they then pass along to consumers.)
Why is net neutrality important?
The Internet has thrived precisely because of net neutrality. It’s what makes it so vibrant and innovative—a place for creativity, free expression, and exchange of ideas. Without net neutrality, the Internet will become more like Cable TV, where the content you see is what your provider puts in front of you.
YouTube Stars Urge The FCC To Keep Net Neutrality
Below is a list of notable websites, companies, and organizations which support and agree on defending Title II net neutrality.