Trump & Republicans Blocking Aid to Ukraine

Trump and Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson is doing the bidding of Putin, the Murderous Dictator of Russia, by refusing to allow a vote on military assistance funding for Ukraine.
TEXT OF THE ABOVE VIDEO: “Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson refuses to bring funding for Ukraine to a vote in the house at the command of Citizen Trump. Our friends in the Ukraine are dying for Trump. Citizens are being kidnapped and killed so an American who never even understood the words integrity and honor can get political points. There’s no honor and no Integrity in that for all of America. Putin will continue his Conquest when he’s done in Ukraine knowing America will just say do whatever the hell you want when Putin attacks our NATO allies. Our sons and daughters will be caught up in yet another European conflict and the cost will be much much higher than the cost of sending weapons to Ukraine.
We all know funding for Ukraine would pass the house in a heartbeat. Since when does a former official like Trump get tug on the puppet strings of a house Speaker? Since when does a murderous foreign dictator get the control of former President? There is nothing great about abandoning our allies. GET TO WORK!
Republicans are ‘under the thumb’ of Trump, Putin on Ukraine aid
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$60 Billion in Military Aid to Ukraine is Being Blocked by Trump
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