Trump’s Broken Promises
Trump’s 30 Biggest Broken Promises
Robert Reich lists 30 of Trump’s broken campaign pledges.
Nov 27, 2023 UPDATE: Trump’s latest threat to repeal the Affordable Care Act which over 40 million Americans depend on.
Title from Youtube: “Trump Has Never Been Able To Keep His Promises”
Description from Youtube: “MSNBC’s Ali Velshi argues that Trump squandered the strength of the economy in his first three years and now has no chance of achieving the national prosperity he campaigned on”.
8 Campaign Promises Broken in 9 Days
Trump has NOT helped keep Jobs in the United States or bring jobs back home says Former Union President
Hardball Video title: Former Union President: Trump’s hurting the working class
At Trump Rallies, Trump said over and over that Mexico was going to pay for the Wall between the US and Mexico. This was another lie and broken promise. If any wall is to be built, US Tax Payers will be stuck with the bill.
The President of Mexico tells Trump, Mexico isn’t going to pay for no F**ing Wall
Trump said over and over again that marijuana should be a states rights issue. He might want to tell that to his attorney general.
Trump failed to keep his campaign promises about Carried Interest Tax Loopholes
Trump’s Trans Military Ban Walks Back Promises To LGBTQ Community
Two years later, has Trump kept his campaign promises?
Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days
Trump has emphasized his administration’s accomplishments in the first 100 days.