Trump’s Unqualified Picks & Scandal Ridden, Criminal Administration


Scott Pruitt, longtime adversary of EPA, confirmed to lead the agency

“Scott Pruitt as administrator of the EPA likely means a full-scale assault on the protections that Americans have enjoyed for clean air, clean water and a healthy climate,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said in an interview. “For environmental groups, it means we’re in for the fight of our lives for the next four years.”


Ben Carson Unfit to be HUD Secretary

Is Anybody Home at HUD?

A long-harbored conservative dream – the “dismantling of the administrative state” – is taking place under Secretary Ben Carson.

Ben Carson has stated; “government-engineered attempts to legislate racial equality create consequences that often make matters worse”.

At a time when 7.4 million extremely low income households are unable to find safe, decent and affordable housing, the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Ben Carson is more interested in shaming working people than helping families struggling to make ends meet.


Ben Carson is totally unqualified to be HUD secretary | CNN

It makes little sense to hire a man who doesn’t really believe government can be a force for good to head an important government agency, particularly one so vital to Americans who live in poverty, Issac Bailey says.


Rex Tillerson, 64, has ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin

Tillerson, who has spent his entire adult life working at ExxonMobil, has no experience in government or in diplomacy. In fact, if confirmed, Tillerson would join an unprecedented and hard-to-fathom operation: in the Trump administration, the combined foreign policy experience of the president, Secretary of State, and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations is quite literally zero. Americans have simply never seen such a team.

What Tillerson has done, however, is work closely with Vladimir Putin, and spoken out in opposition to U.S. sanctions on Russia – the country accused of criminal intervention in the American political system. When making the case for Tillerson over the weekend, Trump boasted to Fox News, “He does massive deals in Russia.”


Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson

Video title (Rachel Maddow): Exxon needs US policy change to cash in on big bet on Russia

Rachel Maddow shows ExxonMobil’s heavy investment in Russia, which it has yet to be able to exploit because of U.S. sanctions on Russia over the annexation of Crimea, and how a change in that policy could means hundreds of millions of dollars for ExxonMobil.


Trump’s Pick For CIA Director Gina Haspel Reportedly Tortured People


Trump Picks Warmonger John Bolton as National Security Advisor

John Bolton was part of the effort to mislead the US into the disastrous Iraq war and has supported military action against North Korea and Iran. He was too extreme to be confirmed as UN ambassador in 2005 and is the wrong person to be national security advisor now.

It is especially hard to understand why Trump would consider hiring Bolton when for years, Trump stated that the Iraq war was a disastrous mistake.


Trump’s nominee for Environmental Quality

Trump’s nominee to lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Kathleen Hartnett White struggles to answer basic questions posed by the Senate committee on environment and public works on Thursday. Hartnett White, Trump’s nominee for the environmental quality council chair, had difficulty answering questions from Senators Ben Cardin and Sheldon Whitehouse on green house emissions and climate science


Trump’s far right pick for Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who says Ben-Ami is not really Jewish



Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh may have escaped the kind of scrutiny that was warranted for a SCOTUS judge during his confirmation, but that doesn’t mean that he’s off the hook. Calls of his impeachment became deafening this past weekend after new allegations came out in the form of a lengthy New York Times investigation. If these allegations are true, then Kavanaugh committed perjury during his confirmation and can be impeached.


New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly discuss the reporting in their new book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation” about the allegations of sexual misconduct that came out during the confirmation hearing of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Aired on 09/16/19.


Ret. Justice John Stevens: Kavanaugh Disqualified Himself From Supreme Court

John Paul Stevens, one of the only living retired Supreme Court justices, believes that Brett Kavanaugh’s emotional, angry testimony disqualified him from being able to serve effectively on the Court.


Kavanaugh behaved in a UNHINGED, BELLIGERENT, DEFIANT, COMBATIVE, ARGUMENTATIVE and DISRESPECTFUL manner at the Senate Hearing on September 27, 2018.

When asked questions about drinking, would then throw the questions back at the Senator, demanding they answer HIS questions. Kavanaugh has proved he doesn’t have the temperament to be Supreme Court Justice and is UNFIT for any position in government.


The above video shows examples of Brett Kavanaugh LYING yet Lindsey Graham & most Republicans are standing by and defending this Unfit Nominee for the Supreme Court.


At Tuesday’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy accused President Donald Trump’s nominee Brett Kavanaugh of providing misleading testimony about his time with the Bush administration.


Watch Kavanaugh Blatantly LIE To Prosecutor

The amount of things Brett Kavanaugh got away with during his hearing is stunning.


Old Kavanaugh speech exposes His Privilege and his blatant HYPOCRISY


SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Is A Corrupt Corporatist

Brett Kavanaugh has had all sorts of unflattering information being revealed, some of which seems to implicate Kavanaugh in illegal activity. But one thing that has been missing is talk of his anti-consumer rulings on everything from protecting clean air to workplace protections, and those are the issues where Kavanaugh could really cause havoc if he gets confirmed. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why Kavanaugh must be stopped from getting a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.


Kavanaugh Sided with SeaWorld After Trainer Was Drowned By Whale

After a SeaWorld trainer was drowned by a killer whale in 2010, Judge Kavanaugh said the company was immune from penalty. Kavanaugh has proven to be a Corrupt Corporatist who rules against consumers and 87% of the time in favor of Corporations.




More of Donald Trump’s judicial picks have received “not qualified” ratings from the American Bar Association than did those nominated by his four most-recent predecessors in the first two years of their presidencies, Bloomberg Law research shows.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has repeatedly said confirming Trump judges is a priority of the Republican-led Senate, and the GOP has forged ahead.

The Senate has confirmed 30 of Trump’s appellate nominees, two U.S. Supreme Court justices, and 53 district court judges. Details at


Trump nominee for federal judge has never tried a case

Trump nominated Brett J. Talley, a 36 year old blogger who has practiced law for three years, has never tried a case and who thinks Hillary Clinton should be Jailed, for a lifetime appointment on the Federal Bench.


Trump Judicial pick can’t answer basic law questions

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) questions Matthew Spencer Petersen, President Trump’s nominee for district court judge about his lack of experience trying cases in court. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, breaks down the video.


Republicans Confirm Trump Judicial Pick, Lawrence VanDyke
Rated ‘Not Qualified’ For Being ‘Lazy,’ ‘Arrogant’

The American Bar Association took the rare step of rating VanDyke as “unqualified,” noting colleagues of his who were interviewed consistently gave this description: “arrogant, lazy, an ideologue and lacking in knowledge of the day-to-day practice, including procedural rules. There was a theme that the nominee lacks humility, has an ‘entitlement’ temperament, does not have an open mind, and does not always have a commitment to being candid and truthful.” Furthermore, they were concerned “about whether Mr. VanDyke would be fair to persons who are gay, lesbian or otherwise part of the LGBTQ community.”

VanDyke has a long history of extremist anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and actions. As a student at Harvard Law School, he wrote an op-ed claiming same-sex marriage would “hurt families and consequentially children and society.” At his hearing, VanDyke was provided with an opportunity to address his previous statements regarding same-sex marriage, specifically as to whether same-sex marriage damaged children. He pointedly refused to answer. VanDyke also refused to respond to Senators’ inquiries as to his legal approach to the intersection of LGBTQ rights and religious liberty. Emails from him reveal a Solicitor General who had little interest in engaging in the daily tasks of the office and instead an ideologue committed to advancing a political agenda. 


Trump Nominates Anti-LGBTQ Extremist Jeff Mateer

Jeff Mateer, Trump’s nominee for a federal judgeship in Texas, believes that transgender children are evidence of “Satan’s plan,” supports the dangerous and debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy,” and thinks marriage equality will lead to bestiality.


Everyone of these Unqualified Judges were approved by Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, proving they are unfit to hold ANY public office


Ben Carson is Totally Unqualified to be HUD Secretary

Ben Carson has stated; “government-engineered attempts to legislate racial equality create consequences that often make matters worse”.

At a time when 7.4 million extremely low income households are unable to find safe, decent and affordable housing, the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Ben Carson is more interested in shaming working people than helping families struggling to make ends meet.

This is also an example of why it’s a mistake to vote for Republicans. No Democrat in history has ever nominated such unqualified people to Government positions.


Meet President Trump’s Cabinet of Horrors

At last count, Trump’s proposed cabinet had a combined wealth of $14.5 billion.


Senate votes to repeal transparency rule for oil companies

The measure now heads to the White House, and President Trump is expected to sign it.


South Dakota GOP uses ’emergency’ rules to repeal anti-corruption law | CNN Politics

South Dakota Republicans on Thursday repealed a historic anti-corruption law approved by voters in a statewide referendum on Election Day.


And Trump said he’d hire “The Best People”

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